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And please, we're very late, and they'll be anxious at home. Could you send us home in your carriage? 'Or perhaps there's a hotel near where we could get a carriage from, said Anthea. 'Martha will be very anxious as it is. The Vicar had sunk into a chair, overcome by emotion and amazement.

"In plain English," retorted the vicar, "you are conceited enough to think that you can succeed where the greatest lawyers in Scotland have failed. They couldn't prove this man's innocence, all working together. And you are going to prove it single-handed? Upon my word, you are a wonderful woman," cried my uncle, suddenly descending from indignation to irony.

"It is two leddies. They wrote to the Vicar, and he asked John Philip and he told my man." "Two ladies! Then I can't possibly have my meals in here.

The servants and all who inquire shall simply be told that my husband is confined to his room with with a nervous breakdown, as you have yourself so glibly suggested. I am at your mercy, I own it. The vicar believes your preposterous story with his spectacles off.

Thornburgh, the vicar, and Rose were wandering round the churchyard together, enjoying a break of sunny weather after days of rain. Mrs. Thornburgh's personal accent, so to speak, had grown perhaps a little more defined, a little more emphatic even, than when we first knew her.

"Not now please, not now." "Yes. Now. It'll be all over. And you'll sleep." She went in to where they waited for her. Her father and her sister lifted their eyes to her as she came in. Rowcliffe had turned away. "Has she said anything?" "Yes." The Vicar looked sternly at his second daughter. "She denies it?" "No, Papa. She doesn't deny it." He drove it home. "Has she confessed?"

But it was not to be denied that the new mistress of Beechcote was well endowed, as single women go. Fond mothers with marriageable sons might require some handling. But Mrs. Roughsedge's simple kindness soon baffled distrust. And Mrs. Colwood was beginning to talk freely, when suddenly the Vicar and Miss Mallory in front came to a stop. The way to the Vicarage lay along a side road.

If you and your brothers walk in the path of virtue which we shall now open for you, every wish of your heart shall be instantly accomplished; but if you take the other path, if you have ever hoped that our affection will wink at disorderly life, then you will very soon find out that we are truly pope, Father of the Church, not father of the family; that, vicar of Christ as we are, we shall act as we deem best for Christendom, and not as you deem best for your own private good.

Beyond going to church once on Sunday he made no profession of religion, but that custom he conformed to most regularly, and the vicar of the parish had nothing to complain of in the way in which his appeals for charity were met by the squire. It is needless to say that Sir Edward was not a happy man.

People, therefore, were willing to wait, and take his return ultimately for granted. At three o'clock the good Vicar, standing at his hall door, looking across the lake towards the noble fells that rise, steep and furrowed, from that beautiful mere, saw two men approaching across the green, in a straight line, from a boat that was moored at the water's edge.