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Then Miss Diana directed her to go and finish her lesson of the previous day; but on receiving a refusal, merely remarked that it should be reported to her guardians and her punishment left to them. Evelyn gave her friend an entreating look, but Lulu shook her head, then fixed her eyes upon her book. As they drove home to Viamede in the afternoon, Grace was waiting for them on the veranda there.

They were hardly yet satisfied with gazing and commenting, when the summons to dinner came. They trooped down to the dining-room, the captain and Violet leading the way, and seated themselves at the table. Here, too, all was new and handsome; the napery, china, glass and silver ware, such as would not have suffered by comparison with what they had been accustomed to at Ion and Viamede.

Yet it was evident to all that she was far from strong, and they joined Mr. Dinsmore in an urgent entreaty that she would retire at an early hour to her own room and bed; which she did, her daughters accompanying her to see that nothing was lacking that could in any way add to her comfort. A bright, beautiful day succeeded that on which the Ion family had arrived at Viamede.

"I'm so sorry for poor Maxie," remarked Grace presently, "that he can't see you every day, papa, as we do, and be kissed and hugged as we are; and that he can't go to Viamede with the rest of us." She finished with a heavy sigh. "Yes," her father said, "I am sorry for him, and for ourselves, that he is not to be with us.

At length a letter was received, fixing the date of the intended departure from Viamede, and stating by what train the party would probably reach the neighboring village of Union, where carriages must be in readiness to receive and convey them to Ion.

The food provided was of the plainest, scant in quantity, inferior in quality, and neither well prepared nor daintily served; in all which it presented a striking contrast to the meals that Lulu had been accustomed to sit down to at Ion and Viamede. She ate but little; in fact, homesickness had nearly destroyed her appetite.

There were many and beautiful gifts; a handsome brooch from the captain delighted each little girl, and there were other lovely gifts too numerous to mention. The distribution was on Christmas Eve. The next day there was a grand dinner at Viamede, all the relatives present, and everybody in gayest spirits.

The Ion children were allowed a few days of entire liberty to roam about and make themselves fully acquainted with the beauties of Viamede, Magnolia Hall, and the neighborhood before beginning school duties. Meanwhile their elders had visited Oakdale Academy and made the acquaintance of Prof.

"She's full of her fun, don't you see? and doesn't mean any harm. Come, let us go up to the work-room and have a good talk." Lulu yielded in silence, struggling hard to be mistress of herself. Evelyn tried to help her. "Oh, Lulu, is it not delightful that we are to go so soon to that lovely Viamede?" she asked as the work-room door closed behind them.

Aloud he said, "I fear you will find it less pleasant than on former occasions, in fact, rather lonely; as all the family are absent spending the winter at Viamede, my mother's Louisiana plantation except my wife and myself." "Ah! but your wife is a charming little girl, I never can think of her as a woman, you know, and you are a host in yourself," returned the lady laughingly.