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The second is the famous house of the Vettii, which departs somewhat freely from the customary disposition of apartments. The parts within the dark lines belong to the one house; the rest are other houses and shops built into the block. Vestibule 11. Rooms 2. Passage 12. Dining-Room 3. Hall 13. Winter Dining-Room 4. Rooms 14. Wings 15. Kitchen 6. Dining-Room 16. Carriage Room 7. Parlour 17.

Such a chest is still to be seen in its place in the House of the Vettii at Pompeii. Of portières, curtains and awnings enough has been said, except that they were also used for draping the less ornamental walls. Mirrors were apparently plentiful.

There must have been something austere, even suspicious, in the external appearance of the Casa de’ Vettii, but snarling dog and grim janitor have long since disappeared, and we pass unmolested through the atrium and thence into the Great Peristyle, which is perhaps the most remarkable feature of this house.

What then is it, the question will be asked, that makes the House of the Vettii so valuable as an example of antique architecture and decoration, in preference to other mansions which can boast an equal and often a greater distinction?

But here, in the House of the Vettii, the public was for the first time initiated into the mysteries of true Roman life; here it was admitted to gaze upon the fruits of classical taste and refinement, and to contrast them, favourably or unfavourably, with prevailing modern standards.