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On arrival at the Siberian capital they were examined by the Government vet., after which Meares and an Australian trainer picked the best, until a score were purchased. Horse boxes were obtained now and feed tins made for the voyage and, after minor troubles with shipping firms, Meares, Bruce, and three Russians sailed from Vladivostock in a Japanese steamer which conveyed them to Kobe.

Joe admitted the propriety of this advice, but said he would treat his mates to one glass before starting, by "way o' wetting their whistles." "Ya, joost von glass vor vet deir vistles," echoed the Dutchman, with a wink and a look which produced a roar of laughter. The glass was accepted by all, including Lockley, who had been quite demoralised by the first glass.

The poor animals, which had been unyoked, snuffed and smelt at the wet, damp earth, and licked it with their tongues, but could obtain no relief. The water which they had had in the casks for their own drinking was now, all gone; and there were no hopes of obtaining any till they arrived at the Vet River, at least twenty-five to thirty miles distant.

It transpired that the red corpuscles are composed chiefly of a substance which Kuhne first isolated in crystalline form in 1865, and which was named haemoglobin a substance which has a marvellous affinity for oxygen, seizing on it eagerly at the lungs vet giving it up with equal readiness when coursing among the remote cells of the body.

All but Shorty obeyed with alacrity, and stacked their guns with the quickness of old and hungry vet erans. Shorty kept hold of his gun and started with the rest to the supper-room. "Here, Injianny," called out the Sergeant, "stack your gun here with the rest." "Don't want to ain't goin' to," answered Shorty. "What's the reason you ain't?" asked the Sergeant, catching hold of the gun.

'Do we need a burglar's kit, and some nitroglycerin, or does that class of crime come later? "'We want a vet. right now, I says. 'This bird has got to lose some tail feathers. "'Well, you are the chief buccaneer! says Mr. Van. 'I'll serve as one of the pirate crew at present.

Leggatt, my chauffeur, came in for orders. 'How d'you think Harvey's coming on? I said, as I rubbed the brute's gulping neck. The vet had warned me of the possibilities of spinal trouble following distemper. 'He ain't my fancy, was the reply. 'But I don't question his comings and goings so long as I 'aven't to sit alone in a room with him. 'Why? He's as meek as Moses, I said.

No -here they come! The whole crowd -Dick & Co.!" A flutter passed through the crowd below, vet not one of the Gridley H.S. boys stirred from the ranks just within the school yard gate. Back on the main steps of the High School building nearly three score of the young ladies were irregularly grouped. They were silent, but expectant.

They're very proud of what they are doing in Bosnia, and we're all very proud of them. One of those one of those brave soldiers is sitting with the first lady tonight: Army Sergeant Michael Tolbert. His father was a decorated Vietnam vet. After college in Colorado, he joined the Army.

One of the most striking and vet contradictory features of the Dogmatic Constitution is, the reluctant homage it pays to the intelligence of man. It presents a definition of the philosophical basis of Catholicism, but it veils from view the repulsive features of the vulgar faith.