United States or Mauritius ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

And knowing as he did how he was going to give up his work, writhing as he was under the last proof, as he felt it, of his unfitness, the thought of facing suave vestrymen even over a telephone, was a horror not to be borne. "Tell 'em I'm dead, Dick, there's a good boy. I won't talk to anybody to-day or to-morrow, anyhow." "All right," Dick agreed.

"Father, I think thee'd better have his ill-will than his company. Is it true that he gave money to help build the pretty little church of St. James the Less, and that he is, one of the vestrymen?" "Yes. He is not such a bad fellow. One of the men in Third street asked him the other day, whether his was a high church or a low church?

The captain exclaimed: "You are revolutionaries!" Girbal: "Peace! peace!" The priest: "What materialism!" Foureau: "Let us rather occupy ourselves with our chasuble!" "No! let me speak!" And Bouvard, growing more heated, went on to say that man was descended from the ape! All the vestrymen looked at each other, much amazed, and as if to assure themselves that they were not apes.

What's the church got to do with business? Why, look there's old Wygant another of the vestrymen!" "Miss Gladys' father, you mean?" "Yes; old Lockman's brother-in-law. He's the other trustee of the estate. And do you suppose there's any rascality he doesn't know about?" "But he's a reformer!" cried the boy wildly. "Sure!" laughed Charlie.

Barnum had planned a magnificent display of American flags, as one of the outside attractions, and applied to the vestrymen of St. Paul's Church, opposite the Museum, for permission to attach his flag-rope to a tree in the church-yard. Their reply was an indignant refusal.

Not that I care for a few dollars more than I do for the dust that blows in the wind; but this selling of salvation for gold disgusts me. I'm sick to death of it!" "But hear, first, Mr. Larkin, what we want money for," said Mr. Elder, one of the vestrymen of the church to which the former belonged.

They herd in their dark, filthy, death-cursed tenements, not fit for beasts, owned by the deacon of that church, and all the week run the gauntlet of those drink hells, open to catch all their hard-earned pennies, owned by the warden and vestrymen and upheld by the clergymen and them high in authority, and extolled as the Poor Man's Club.

This party was given at the house of one of the vestrymen, and they had refreshments, and, after the rector had gone home, dancing. They called it a sociable, and took up a collection for the ladies' aid society just after the cake and coffee and whipped cream had been served. There was where Grace first met George Herbert.

In all of the official communications of Trinity Church up to 1867 this lease is referred to as the "Burr or Astor Lease." "The Communication of the Rector, Church Wardens and Vestrymen of Trinity Church in the city of New York in reply to a resolution of the House, passed March 4, 1854"; Document No. 130, Assembly Docs. 1854. Also Document No. 45, Senate Docs. 1856.

Among the vestrymen of this new parish may be found the following names: Francis Forbes, Colonel Maurice Moore, Captain Hecklefield, Thomas Hardy, Captain Richard Saunderson, Henry Clayton, Joseph Jessups, Samuel Phelps and Richard Whedbee. Most of these gentlemen were men of note in the colony, and many of their descendants are now living in Perquimans County.