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The letter concludes with the following words, which Plutarch had apparently read: "Ego non rem familiarem modo, verum etiam fidem consumpsi. This Marius is mentioned in the Life of Lucullus, c. 8. He also adds that the character of Sertorius was changed, that he gave himself up to wine and women, and was continually sustaining defeats.

"Mediocribus esse poetis Non dii, non homines, non concessere columnae." I would to God this sentence was written over the doors of all our printers, to forbid the entrance of so many rhymesters! "Verum Nihil securius est malo poetae."

"How is that, Mr. Kevanagh?" "My name's not Kevanagh," replied Mat, "but Kavanagh; the Irish A for ever!" "Well, but how is the lad a namesake of mine?" said the Englishman. "Bekase, you see, he's a, poor scholar, sir," replied Mat: "an' I hope your honor will pardon me for the facetiousness 'Quid vetat ridentem dicere verum! as Horace says to Maecenas, in the first of the Sathirs." "There, Mr.

Verily, they are keen as blood-hounds to seek out their prey; and for them are my wounds red, that they may drink. Canst thou not hear them, what they sing?" And they sang, as they went in between the scarlet curtains of the Cathedral door; for the procession was over, and all the roses were strewn: "Ave, verum Corpus, natum De Maria Virgine: Vere passum, immolatum In cruce pro homine!

And whereas he thinks meats sacrificed to idols to be lawful enough out of the case of scandal, for this reason, because they are the good creatures of God, he should have considered better the Apostle’s mind concerning such idolothites; which Zanchius setteth down thus: Verum est, per se haec nihil sunt, sed respectu eorum quibut immolantur aliquid sunt; quia per hoec illis quibus immolantur, nos consociamur.

Virgil had said with reference to gardens: "Verum haec ipse equidem spatiis exclusus iniqnis Praetereo, atque aliis post me memoranda relinquo." These words are an oracle to Columella. "I should have written my tenth book in prose," he says, "had not your frequent requests that I would fill up what was wanting to the Georgics got the better of my resolution.

"Let me see her!" said the abbot; and all the other Monks crowded around, opening their mouths just like the little boys around the notice, in order to see better. "Verum est," said the abbot. "It is verily a miracle."

They have with us the fate of older paradoxes. "Cum ventum ad VERUM est, SENSUS MORESQUE repugnant, Atque ipsa utilitas, justi prope mater et aequi." Perhaps bold speculations are more acceptable because more new to you than to us, who have been long since satiated with them.

We may be spared the detailed description of the transition by which this hope and these childish expectations, this Millennialism, were bitterly disillusioned, and how the excitement of 1789 to 1791 ended in a great wail of woe; and that too not only in France, where absolute monarchy post tot discrimina verum had merely changed into an absolute empire, but also in Germany, whose princes hastened to recall the concessions made under the pressure of the Revolution.

July 14, ABBOTSFORD. Arrived here yesterday before five o'clock. Anybody would think, from the fal-de-ral conclusion of my journal of yesterday, that I left town in a very gay humour cujus contrarium verum est. But nature has given me a kind of buoyancy, I know not what to call it, that mingles even with my deepest afflictions and most gloomy hours.