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However, man's days bring nought but change, and patience in all case is most becoming: peradventure He who ordained our severance will vouchsafe us reunion!" And she began versifying in these two couplets, "O son of mine uncle! same sorrow I bear, * And suffer the like of thy cark and thy care Yet hide I from man what I suffer for pine; * Hide it too, and such secret to man never bare!"

So she implored Allah Almighty to do away with these calamities from them and began versifying,

Tycho was indeed always fond of versifying, and he lost no opportunity of indulging this taste whenever an occasion presented itself. Around the walls of the subterranean observatory were the pictures of eight astronomers, each with a suitable inscription one of these of course represented Tycho himself, and beneath were written words to the effect that posterity should judge of his work.

When Kurajan heard these words, he sparked and snorted and foully abused the sun and the moon and crave at Jamrkan, versifying with these couplets,

Versifying is the lowest form of poetry; and the last thing a great poet will do in these days is to write verses. I have been trying to read Venus and Adonis and the Rape of Lucrece but cannot get on with them. They teem with fine things, but they are got-up fine things. I do not know whether this is quite what I mean but, come what may, I find the poems bore me.

I, too, began reading poetry, or, as my grandmother expressed it, poring over doggrel trash.... I even tried my hand at versifying, and composed a poem, descriptive of a barrel-organ, in which occurred the following two lines: 'Lo, the barrel turns around, And the cogs within resound.

When, as a very young man, he exercised himself in versifying, the model he more or less consciously kept in view was Matthew Arnold; it amused him now to recall certain of the compositions he had once been rather proud of, and to recognise how closely he had trodden in Arnold's footprints; at the same time, he felt glad that the aspiration of his youth seemed likely to become the settled principle of his maturity.

Of his native language he had only an ungrammatical knowledge, like many of his race in Russia. This turn for versifying drew him to a gloomy and depressed schoolfellow, the son of a poor Russian general, who was considered in the school to be a great future light in literature. The latter patronised him.

He was of the class of persons who were called in Provence Troubadours, who invented fables, and composed different pieces of poetry, which were sung in the houses of the nobles. The art of versifying in the vulgar tongue was uncommon in those times, and was only practised by the nobility.

I ought to have told you at that time that I could not see much hope of your doing acceptable work in a literary way; and if I had supposed that you ever expected to exercise your faculty of versifying to any serious purpose, for anything but your own pleasure and entertainment, I should certainly have done so.