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The main indication in treatment is to secure sleep, and this is done by the administration of bromides, chloral, or paraldehyde, or of one or other of the drugs of which sulphonal, trional, and veronal are examples. Heroin in doses of from 1/24th to 1/12th grain is often of service. Morphin must be used with great caution. In some cases hyoscin (1/200

The girl was standing by the tea-table just pouring out a cup of tea for Miss Leigh she started so nervously that the cup almost fell from her hand. "Dead!" she repeated, in a low, stifled voice. "Lady Blythe? Dead?" "Yes! it is awful! That horrid veronal! Such a dangerous drug! It appears she was accustomed to take it for sleep and unfortunately she took an over-dose.

But dreams are froth and foam. I fancy it would not be difficult to explain all this rationalistically, from psycho-physiologic causes." Before the little family circle of the Hamburg broke up for the night, they touched glasses again with great gravity, even solemnity. Frederick awoke the next morning from an eleven hours' sleep, for which he was indebted chiefly to a dose of veronal.

The man declared that he was being watched by the police, and that he dared not continue to supply her with cocaine and veronal. His shifty eyes gave the lie to his words, but he was firm in his resolution, whatever may have led him to it, and Rita was driven back to Kazmah. His charges had become more exorbitant than ever, but her need was imperative.

I had to take a dose of veronal, but I managed to sleep round the clock, from 9. P.M. to 9. A.M. The gardener has gone off in the boat; and I have two hours in which to dress. What is the matter with me? Now that my happiness is so close at hand, I feel strangely depressed. Jeanne advises a little rouge. No! Joergen loves me just as I am....

Rashid she knew to be incorruptible or powerless, and she turned away, trembling, and left the place, whose faint perfume of frankincense had latterly become hateful to her. She was at this time bordering upon a state of collapse. Insomnia, which latterly had defied dangerously increased doses of veronal, was telling upon nerve and brain.

They lived in a tiny house in Ealing, the rent of which was always in arrears, and then Briggerland became acquainted with a rich Australian of middle age who was crazy about his daughter. The rich Australian died suddenly." "From an overdose of veronal," said the chief.

Upon a little spirit-stove stood a covered vessel containing milk, which was placed there nightly by Rita's maid. She lighted the burner and warmed the milk. Then, swallowing three of the cachets from the phial, she drank the milk. Each cachet contained three decigrams of malourea, the insidious drug notorious under its trade name of Veronal.

Rodney's docility didn't go to the length of the dose of veronal Harriet had recommended, but it did assent to a program that occupied the greater part of the day, including a Turkish bath, a good sleep, fresh clothes and the first decently cooked meal he had had since he'd dined at the club three days ago.

But it's impossible, after the veronal I gave you. And such a night as you had! You mustn't " Doctor Hartley, still looking dreadfully guilty, was beside her. His solicitude was feverish. "Really, I can't permit " he almost stammered. She looked at him. "Your voices woke me!" He was silent. He stood like a man who had been struck. "How d'you do, Doctor Isaacson?