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If she returned to Vernons by ten o'clock it would give her plenty of time to pack her things, say good-bye to Miss Pinckney and take her departure before Richard returned to luncheon if he did return. It did not take her long to pass through the negro quarter, and now, out in the open country, out amidst those great flat lands in the broad day and under the lonely blue sky her mood changed.

"Poor little kiddie, yes! How she will hate it! Just at this moment when they are all wild with joy at the thought of their holiday with the Vernons. It seems positively brutal!" "Oh, it does. I am so sorry for her whichever it may be but one must sometimes be cruel to be kind.

"I had hoped and hoped and hoped for him, goodness knows he has been my one thought, and now he has thrown himself away. Richard is engaged to Frances Rhett. He told me so to-night well, there, it's all ended, there's no hope anywhere, she'll never let him go, and she'll have Vernons when I'm gone. She picked him out from all the other men why?

All that the taste, art and wealth of that day could do, was done to make it a splendid apartment, and it would pass muster still as a comfortable and respectable salon. As we pass out, you may decipher the short prayer cut in the wasting stone over a side portal, "God Save the Vernons."

Now he had removed Shillito, and she was satisfied but imagined he was not. Cartwright knitted his white brows and drew hard at his cigar. "You had better watch Barbara until the fellow starts," he resumed. "Then I think you and the girls might join the Vernons at their fishing camp. Vernon would like it, and he's a useful friend; besides, it's possible Shillito's obstinate.

He was killed suddenly in '61 I don't want to talk of it and she died of grief the year after. She died of grief simply died of grief. Charles lived and married in 1880 when he was forty years old. He married Juliet's brother's daughter and Vernons came to him on the marriage. He hadn't a son till ten years later. That son was Richard.

"Come together again," he repeated, and the paper-knife was still restless, "do you want me to let her go away? To London?" Visions of Lizzie, in unseemly low-necked dresses surrounded by crowds of young men all possible Vernons lent a sudden firmness to his voice, a sudden alertness to his manner." "No, certainly not," she answered the voice and the manner as much as the words.

"Just had a letter about you, Bones," said Hamilton carelessly. "About me, sir!" said Bones; "from the War Office I'm not being decorated or anything!" he asked anxiously. "No nothing so tragic; it was a letter from my sister, who is staying with the Vernons." "Oh!" said Bones going suddenly red.

It came by the early post, so that she got it in her bedroom before coming down. Phyl had few correspondents and she looked at the envelope curiously before opening it. "Miss Berknowles, at Vernons. Charleston." ran the address written in a large, boyish, yet individual hand. She knew at once and by instinct whom it was from.

It was a relief to the girls when Mrs Garnett was summoned from the room on household business, and they were left to themselves. A craving for sympathy was the predominant sensation, and prompted the suggestion, "Let's wire to the Vernons," which was followed by a stampede upstairs.