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I saw you take the sputa of a ague patient and demonstrate the spores and sporangia of the Gemiasma verdans. 3d. You said it was not common to find the full development in the urine of such cases, but only in the urine of the old severe cases. This was a mild case. 4th.

Found the same. Observation 3. Found the same. Observation 4. Salt marsh below the railroad bridge over the river. The scrapings of the soil showed beautiful yellow and transparent Protuberans, beautiful green sporangias of the Gemiasma verdans. Observation 5. Near the brook named was a good specimen of the Gemiasma plumba.

Observation 17. Dry land by the side of railroad. Protuberans not abundant. Observation 18. From side of ditch. Filled with mature Geraiasma verdans. Observation 19. Moist earth near a rejected timber of the railroad bridge. Abundance of Gemiasma verdans, Sphaerotheca Diatoms. Observation 20. Scrapings on earth under high grass. Large mature specimens of Gemiasma rubra and verdans. Many small.

F represents a ripe plant after its spore and embryonic plant contents are all discharged, leaving behind only a few actively moving spermatia, which are slowly escaping. G represents the emptied plant in a quiescent state. Figs. A, B, C represent an unusually large variety of the Gemiasma verdans. This species is usually about the size of the rubra.

I would then that all would join hands in settling the cause of this disease; and while I do not expect that all will agree with me, still, I shall respect others' opinions, and so long as I keep close to my facts I shall hope my views, based on my facts, will not be treated with disrespect. Gemiasma verdans and Gemiasma rubra collected Sept. 10, 1882, on Washington Heights, near High Bridge.

Some of the earth near the site of the exposure referred to in Observation 31, was examined and found to contain abundantly the Gemiasma verdans, rubra, Protuberans lamella, confirmed by three more observations. Observation 33. In company with Surgeon F. M. Dearborne, U.S.N., in charge of Naval Hospital, the same day later explored the wall about marsh west of hospital.

So in my search I made a special work of catching the gemiasmas and not caring for anything else. In this list you will see the Gemiasma verdans distinguished from its associate objects. I think I can in no other way more clearly show my right to have my honest opinion respected in relation to the subject in question. PLATE VIII. A, B, C, Large plants of Gemiasma verdans. A, Mature plant.

Some of the contents of the right nostril were blown on a slide, covered, and examined morphologically. Several oval bodies, round algae, were found with the characteristics of G. verdans and rubra. Also some colorless sporangia, and spores abundantly present. These were in addition to the normal morphological elements found in the excretions. Observation 27.

Observation 21. Same locality. Gemiasma rubra and verdans; good specimens. Observation 22. A dry stem of a last year's annual plant lay in the ditch not submerged, that appeared as if painted red with iron rust. This redness evidently made up of Gemiasma rubra dried. Observation 23. A twig submerged in a ditch was scraped.

I, Vegetation in the BLOOD of ague. J, Vegetation in the urine of ague during paroxysm. K, L, M, Vegetation in the urine of chronic cases of severe congestive type. N, Vegetation in BLOOD of Panama fever; white corpuscles distended with spores of Gemiasma. O, Gemiasma alba. P, Gemiasma rubra. Q, Gemiasma verdans. R, Gemiasma alba.