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Veranilda spoke as one who has nothing to conceal; only, when pressed for the story of that last day at the island villa, she turned away her face, and entreated the questioner's forbearance. All else she told with a sad simplicity.

'Liar! traitor! devil! At each word, Basil's dagger drank blood up to the hilt. With his furious voice blended a yell of terror, of agony, a faint cry of horror from Gaudiosus, and a woman's scream. Then came silence. The priest dropped to his knees by Marcian's prostrate form. Basil, the stained weapon in his crimson hand, stared at Veranilda, who also had fallen. 'Man!

'But is he reverenced by those of your creed? asked Basil in surprise. 'Of my creed? My faith is that of the Catholic Church. For the first time their eyes met. Basil drew a step nearer; his face shone with joy, which for a moment held him mute. 'It was in the convent, added Veranilda, 'that I learnt the truth. They whom I called my enemies wrought this good to me.

Of course she has done her best to ruin both of us, and perhaps is still trying to persuade Bessas that you keep Veranilda in hiding, whilst I act as your accomplice. If this be the case, we shall both of us know the smell of a prison before long, and perchance the taste of torture. What say you? Shall we wait for that chance, or speed away into Campania, and march with the king against Neapolis?

Half a year ago, just when the air of spring began to breathe into that dark, chill house, a distant kinsman of ours, who has long dwelt in Byzantium do you know Olybrius, the son of Probinus? 'I have heard his name. 'He came to me, as if from my father; but I soon discovered that he had another mission, his main purpose being to seek for Veranilda.

Ask Decius if he can defend the faith of Athanasius against that of the Arians; he will smile, and shake his head in that droll way he has. I believe, he added after a brief hesitancy, 'in Christ and in the Saints. Does not Veranilda also? The temptress drew back a little, seated herself; yielded to troublous thought.

The face which was so troubling his imagination he did not yet see, for Veranilda kept the hood close about her as she passed by candle light up steps to the comfortless and dirty little chamber which was the best she could have. 'Rest in peace, whispered Marcian as the door closed. 'I guard you.

'That is Chorsoman, said Marcian, as soon as he could distinguish the captain's feature, 'the commander at Cumae. 'Then it is not to Cumae that they have carried her! exclaimed Basil, surmising at once that the Hun was come in pursuit of Veranilda. 'Time enough to think of that, growled Venantius, as he glared from under black brows at the advancing horsemen. 'What are we to do?

Seclusion from all strangers, from all who, learning her origin, would regard her slightingly, was what her soul desired. Day had broken; behind the mountains there was light of the sun. Once more they held each other heart to heart, and Veranilda hastened through the garden to regain her chamber.

'I would no one might ever look upon it again! cried Athalfrida, her blue eyes dark with anger and her cheeks hot. 'I would that the pestilence, which haunts its streets, might make it desolate, and that the muddy river, which ever and again turns it into a swamp, would hide its highest palace under an eternal flood. Veranilda averted her face and kept silence.