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Why, he no more dares to be up to our Refreshmenting games than he dares to jump a top of a locomotive with her steam at full pressure, and cut away upon her alone, driving himself, at limited-mail speed. Papers, he'd get his head punched at every compartment, first, second, and third, the whole length of a train, if he was to ventur to imitate my demeanour.

"Now, Diana, if you'll sheer off a little, kind o', and keep out o' sight, you'll have a ventur'; and we can stand a chance to get home early after dinner. I'll go along ahead and keep 'em from comin' where you are if I can." Diana heard with tingling ears, for she heard at the same time the sound of the approaching waggon behind her.

"'I wonder, said he, 'will the landlord object if I ventur' upon a glint of fire for comfort's sake? and he pulled out his flint and steel, struck a spark, and with no more feelin' than he'd express in lighting a pipe, set the flame to the sticks. "The trapt rat above never stirred or give tongue. My God! what a man! Sich a nature could afford to bide and bide ay, for twenty year, if need be.

"Then I may look upon my ventur' as worse than nothing?" he said. "The insurers will raise a question about paying for a craft that has been rebuilt in this way, and the Vineyard folks will be sartain to put in a claim of salvage, both on account of two of their hands helping you with the work, and on account of the materials and we with no cargo, as an offset to it all!"

The only reason that I can see for the quiescence of this peak of Rakata is, as I said to you once before, that it stands not so much above the old crater as above and on the safe side of its lip." "I t'ink, massa, if I may ventur' to speak," said Moses, "dat de sooner we git off his lip de better lest we tumble into his mout'."

It wuz too high a place for her too ventur' on, or to set on with any ease. There wuzn't no more than room up there for what men would love to set on it. Wimmen's place wuz in the sacred precinks of home. She wuz a tender, fragile plant, that needed guardin' and guidin' and kep by man's great strength and tender care from havin' any cares and labors whatsoever and wheresoever and howsumever."

"Try the wood well, then, with your knife, and see if you think it very rotten." "Him rotten, massa, sure nuff," replied the negro in a few moments, "but not so berry rotten as mought be. Mought ventur out leetle way pon de limb by myself, dat's true." "By yourself! what do you mean?" "Why, I mean de bug. 'Tis berry hebby bug.

"But I'm sorry to say that the Ogilvys were licked, though I say it that shouldn't," continued the captain, with a sigh, as he relighted his pipe. "Howsever, "`Never ventur', never win, Blaze away an' don't give in, "As Milton remarks in his preface to the Pilgrim's Progress." "True, captain," said the lieutenant, "and you know that he who fights and runs away, shall live to fight another day."

And he struck the table with his fist so forcibly that the platters rung again. "You're a good boy, Dick; but you're too young yit to ventur' among the Redskins." "An' yit, if I don't ventur' young, I'd better not ventur' at all.

"Has she any sisters?" enquired Joe Dumsby eagerly, as Ned folded the letter and replaced it in his pocket. "Six of 'em," replied Ned; "every one purtier and better nor another." "Is it a long way to Galway?" continued Joe. "Not long; but it's a coorious thing that Englishmen never come back from them parts whin they wance ventur' into them."