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"You didn't seem to look forward very kindly last night." She cried with hot resentment: "I thought you didn't want that mentioned again!" "Oh, very well! And I shall be in to-morrow night; won't that do? A man can't be always tied up to the kitchen table, you know. Besides, I promised Dicky Vendo I'd go; his wife's away, and he's free." "Yours isn't away."

Contempt is to me a luxury. I would not lose the privilege of loathing for all the objects which fools ever admired. What does old Persius say on the subject? "'Hoc ridere meum, tam nil, nulla tibi vendo Iliade."* * "This privilege of mine, to laugh, such a nothing as it seems, I would not barter to thee for an Iliad."

Contempt is to me a luxury. I would not lose the privilege of loathing for all the objects which fools ever admired. What does old Persius say on the subject? "'Hoc ridere meum, tam nil, nulla tibi vendo Iliade."* * "This privilege of mine, to laugh, such a nothing as it seems, I would not barter to thee for an Iliad."

Listen to his own description of himself in one of the popular canzonetti sung about the streets by wandering musicians to the accompaniment of a violin and guitar: "Ma per altro son uomo ingegnoso, Non possiedo, ma sono padrone; Vendo l' acqua con spirto e limone Finche dura d' estate il calor. "Ho an capello di paglia, ma bello!