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"Not many Velasquezes in America," said the father, thinking, incidentally, that his son would not have to pay the dealers a heavy toll for an art education, while he revelled in a surprise that he was evidently holding back. "Or many better Velasquezes than this, anywhere," added Jack. "What mastery! What a gift from heaven that was vouchsafed to a human being to paint like that!"

"But there is a Velasquez, one of the greatest of Velasquezes, just a few steps from here! It would take only a minute to see it." "A Velasquez a few steps from here!" cried the Doge. "Where? Be exact, before I let my hopes rise too high." "The subject is an ancestor of mine. My father has it."

I can remember to this day how he made me see a miracle in the mere number of the Velasquezes in the Prado, an adventure in every hansom drive through the London streets, an event in the dressing of the salad for dinner how he transformed life into one long Arabian Nights' Entertainment, which is why I suppose it has always been my pride that his poem called by that name he dedicated to me.

The portrait of Innocent X in the Doria palace, Rome, is naturally a masterpiece, as is the bust portrait of the same subject at the Hermitage, St. Petersburg; but the Boston Museum full-length of Philip IV is discredited as a copy, only the Prince Don Baltasar Carlos Attended by a Dwarf being admitted in the company of the true Velasquezes.

He described the Memlings at Bruges, the Botticellis at Florence and the Velasquezes in Spain averring in humorous exaggeration that beside a Velasquez most other paintings were little better than chromolithographs.

"No," he said; "only nations or profiteers can afford him, I suppose. I say, why shouldn't all the bankrupt nations sell their Velasquezes and Titians and other swells to the profiteers by force, and then pass a law that any one who holds a picture by an Old Master see schedule must hang it in a public gallery? There seems something in that." "Shall we go down to tea?" said Soames.