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I would have liked to have stayed with Vea, but both the doctor and my uncle thought that as the cottage was so small, the fewer there were in it the better for Patrick. "'I would like to get home, said poor Patrick in a faint voice. 'Couldn't I be carried home, sir? he pleaded, turning to the doctor. "'Not for some days, my boy, replied the doctor kindly.

It was arranged that I should return to the house with Natilie and Alfred, while Vea remained with her brother till Natilie returned; but just as we were setting out, my Uncle John came down to see after the patient, and I was told I might amuse myself for an hour outside till the maid returned with the articles required by the doctor.

Isn't Patrick a strange boy, sir? "It was a happy day for little Vea when her brother Patrick was able to be wheeled out, by his faithful friend Dick, in the chair his aunt got for the purpose; and I need not say that Patrick enjoyed it very much. I was invited to spend a week with them then, and as the weather was indeed beautiful, we were constantly in the open air.

'If you lie very still, and attend to orders, we shall see what can be done for you then. "But when the doctor had gone, Vea came slipping out, and bidding me follow her, went round to where some boats lay moored. A ladder was placed against the side of one of these, and up this Vea mounted before I knew what she was going to do.

"'Come, then, take a walk along the beach, I replied; 'we will be within reach of the doctor's voice quite as well. I know he will take some time to set the leg; for when our stable-boy, Reuben, got his leg broken, the doctor took a long time to set it. "'And did Reuben's leg get well again quite well, I mean? inquired Vea earnestly; 'was he able to walk with it as he did before?

And when I answered "Yes," he says, "Well, then, give me the ropes and I'll help you, for Dick is away to-day." I couldn't help saying that dragging drift-wood wasn't fit work for a gentleman; but he just laughed, and said there were lots of people would be glad to know Patrick Berkley was so usefully employed. "'And did he drag the wood for you? said Vea, the tears standing in her eyes.

I wouldn't mind that, however, if she would only beat me; but when I see her raise her hand to strike little Willie, who never was angry in his life, but was always gentle and good always, always. "'Is there anything I can do for you, little girl? said Vea, stepping forward, forgetting for the time her own trouble while witnessing the distress of another.

Come, Miss Lily, he continued, turning to me, 'you take your friend down to the beach, and keep her there till I call you. Remember, you are not to leave the rock there till I call you, Miss Vea. "'Oh dear, dear, it does seem hard, said Vea, when we were seated under the rook, 'to leave Patrick in the hands of strangers. And yet, Dr.

"Very soon, though it seemed a long time to Vea, Dick was plainly seen shoving out the boat from the shore, with the assistance of two boys, who then jumped in and rowed it round as close to where Patrick lay as they possibly could.

'Oh, where am I? he uttered; but even this exertion was too much for him, and he became insensible once more. "'It's a bad break, this, said one of the men to his fellow; 'I shouldn't wonder, now, if he had to lose his leg altogether! "'Oh, please don't speak of it, said Vea, her face becoming ghastly pale. 'Do look out again, Lily dear, and see if Alfred is coming with the doctor.