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I will call him Brother Albert, for his true name in religion is very well known. "I heard a curious story in the Vaugirard house," said the Brother Director, refreshing himself with a pinch of snuff, "which made the more impression upon me that I once knew intimately one of the persons in it. Martin Delette was my schoolmate at Pfalsbourg in the old days. A fine, studious lad he was, too.

Here we were obliged to take the road to Laguy, because the Prussians occupied that which led to Claye. We marched all that day and the night following. On the 30th, at five in the morning, we were at the bridge of Saint-Maur. The same day we passed outside of Paris and bivouacked in a place rich in everything, called Vaugirard. The 1st of July we reached Meudon, a superb place.

He paid, and without waiting for his change, he fled. They reached the rue de Vaugirard and he hailed a cab. As they were whirled along they sat lost in their thoughts, not looking at each other. "Soon?" asked Mme. Chantelouve, in an almost timid tone when he left her at her door. "No," he answered. "We have nothing in common. You wish everything and I wish nothing. Better break.

John called him "your excellency" because he thought that in the absence of precise knowledge of what was fitting the term was as good as another. A smile twinkled in the eyes of General Vaugirard. Evidently he was pleased. "That is flattery, flattery, young man," he said, "but it pleases me. Since I've drawn from you all you know, which is but little, you may fall back with your comrades.

Madame la Princesse made an appointment with the Duc du Maine, at Vaugirard on the last of July, and in the house of Landais, treasurer of the artillery. She arrived there a little after him with the Duchesse du Maine, whom she left in her carriage. She said to M. du Maine she had brought a lady with her who much desired to see him.

There Jules saw at his feet, in the long valley of the Seine, between the slopes of Vaugirard and Meudon and those of Belleville and Montmartre, the real Paris, wrapped in a misty blue veil produced by smoke, which the sunlight tendered at that moment diaphanous.

In a new place her stupor might disappear, and her mind be roused from its torpor; but a constant surveillance was necessary. Vogotzine felt the blood throb in his temples as he listened to the doctor's decision. The establishment at Vaugirard! His niece, the daughter of Prince Tchereteff, and the wife of Prince Zilah, in an insane asylum!

The cab swung around the rue de Medici, turned into the rue de Vaugirard, followed it to where it crosses the rue de Rennes, and taking that noisy thoroughfare, drew up before the Gare Montparnasse. They were just in time for a train and scampered up the stairway and out to the cars as the last note from the starting-gong rang through the arched station.

Those hollyhocks the ones at the Vicarage at home are just like them. Come, let's go to dinner!" When Vernon had read Betty's letter and holding it up to the light he was able to read the scratched-out words almost as easily as the others he decided that he might as well know where she worked, and one day, after he had called on Lady St. Craye, he found himself walking along the Rue de Vaugirard.

The Prince did not make any further attempt to find out what was the reason of his friend's sudden flight, for Varhely was already descending the steps of the villa. Andras then felt a profound sensation of loneliness, and he thought again of the woman whom his imagination pictured haggard and wan in the asylum of Vaugirard.