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Coming again upon deck, David Gwynn descried the fourth galley of the squadron, called the Royal, commanded by Commodore Medrado in person, bearing down upon them, before the wind. It was obvious that the Vasana was already an object of suspicion. "Comrades," said Gwynn, "God has given us liberty, and by our courage we must prove ourselves worthy of the boon."

There is no reasonable ground, they say, for the view that the manifoldness of ideas is due to the manifoldness of things, since ideas themselves no less than the things assumed by others have their distinct forms, and hence are manifold. And this manifold nature of ideas is sufficiently explained by so-called vasana.

It remains latent for some time, and then it rises up in the form of a mental wave and produces new desires. These desires are called in Vedanta, Vasanas. Vasanas or strong desires are the manufacturers of new bodies. If Vasana or longing for worldly pleasures and objects remains in anybody, even after hundreds of births, that person will be born again.

Coming again upon deck, David Gwynn descried the fourth galley of the squadron, called the Royal, commanded by Commodore Medrado in person, bearing down upon them, before the wind. It was obvious that the Vasana was already an object of suspicion. "Comrades," said Gwynn, "God has given us liberty, and by our courage we must prove ourselves worthy of the boon."

Coming again upon deck, David Gwynn descried the fourth galley of the squadron, called the Royal, commanded by Commodore Medrado in person, bearing down upon them, before the wind. It was obvious that the Vasana was already an object of suspicion. "Comrades," said Gwynn, "God has given us liberty, and by our courage we must prove ourselves worthy of the boon."

Coming again upon deck, David Gwynn descried the fourth galley of the squadron, called the Royal, commanded by Commodore Medrado in person, bearing down upon them, before the wind. It was obvious that the Vasana was already an object of suspicion. "Comrades," said Gwynn, "God has given us liberty, and by our courage we must prove ourselves worthy of the boon."