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"'Eyes watch us that we cannot see, Lips warn us that we may not kiss, They wait for us, and starrily Lean toward us, from heaven's lattices." "That's a varry comforting thought, Richard. Thou sees, as I draw near to t' other life, I think more about it; and t' things o' this life that used to worry me above a bit, hev kind of slipped away from me."

She's in a new world this afternoon, and the angels in heaven are rejoicing over her, and I'm sure every man in Hatton will rejoice with her husband; he's hed a middling bad time with her lately or I'm varry much mistaken." Then these men and women, who had been privately unstinting in their blame of Missis and her selfish way, held their peace. She had been with God.

"John Wesley," said Phyllis. "For sure; it's John Wesley, and in this room he slept at intervals for thirty years. My great grandfather, Squire Gregory Hallam, was a Methodist one o' t' first o' them and so you see, Phyllis, my lass, you hev come varry naturally by your way o' thinking." The rector was examining the face with great interest.

If I meant to have it out, here was my opportunity. "I should have thought you'd have traced a closer connection than that between the two things," I remarked. He shot a quick glance at me from beneath his shaggy russet brows. "How so? I see varry little connection," he said suspiciously.

"I'm quite sure t' young fellows will succeed," he said, "and if there's more 'an one son i' a family thou may take my word for it it's a varry comfortable thing to hev more 'an one living for 'em." "And if they spoil t' horn instead o' making t' spoon, what then, Eltham?" "They'll hev hed t' experience, and they'll be more ready to settle down to what is made for 'em, and to be content wi' it."

"That's varry fine i' thy case, for t' experience'll cost thee nothing. Thou is giving thy younger son a chance out o' t' Digby's and Hallam's money." Eltham only laughed. "Ivery experiment comes out o' somebody's pocket, Hallam it'll be my turn next happen. Will ta come t' hunt dinner at Eltham on Thursday?" "Nay, I wont. I'll not bite nor sup at thy table again till we see what we shall see.

An' if she isn't suited, she can but coom back. Good night t'ye!" A casual observer might have thought "and there ends the dialogue!" That casual observer would have been mistaken. "Ah, she'll like 'em, I war'n' ye! They'll not treat her bad, yer may depend. They're varry canny fowk. Good night!" "Ay, they are that! Good night!" "Good night! And ye'll send us word if she writes?"

If I hed known nowt o' t' quarrel, I'd hev gone wi' t' seven hundred instead o' t' two thousand; ay, would I!" Decay had not touched his mind or his heart; his eyes flashed, and he spoke out with all the fervor of his youth: "If I'd nobbut been a young man when a' this happened, I'm varry sure I'd hev pitch'd in and helped 'em. It's natural for Englishmen to hate t' Spaniards and Papists.

He came out of the encounter with a swollen lip and a feeling that one of his ribs was broken, and he had not had the pleasure of landing a single blow upon his slippery antagonist, who flowed about the room like quicksilver. But he had not flinched, and the statement of Francis, as they shook hands, that he had "done varry well," was as balm.

"I hev been married seventeen years, and I hev ten lads and lasses all of them fair and good and world-like. God bless them!" "Ten! Ten! How do you manage?" "Varry well indeed. Sam Brent is a forelooking man. They hev a good father, and I try to keep step with him. We are varry proud of our childer. The eldest is a boy and helps his father with the cows main well.