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When he was in the hut he usually lay underneath the table, because that was the only place where he could lie without being in the way. And, of course at meal times he was in the way even there. Just now he was out with old Peter. "I wonder what story it will be to-night?" said Maroosia. "So do I," said Vanya. "I wish they'd be quick and come back."

Masha fell in love with Vanya, my son-in-law. And well, he is well-meaning but unfortunate. He is ill. 'Mamma! her daughter's voice interrupted her 'Take Mitya! I can't be in two places at once. Praskovya Mikhaylovna shuddered, but rose and went out of the room, stepping quickly in her patched shoes.

I inquired for the enumerators. "Vanya!" shouted a small man, dressed in German fashion, who was engaged in placing something in a cupboard behind the counter; this was the landlord of the tavern, a Kaluga peasant, Ivan Fedotitch, who hired one- half of the Zimins' houses and sublet them to lodgers. The waiter, a thin, hooked-nosed young fellow of eighteen, with a yellow complexion, hastened up.

"What little things!" says Nina, opening her eyes wide and going off into a joyous laugh. "They are like mice!" "One, two, three," Vanya counts. "Three kittens. So there is one for you, one for me, and one for somebody else, too." "Murrm . . . murrm . . ." purrs the mother, flattered by their attention. "Murrm."

'There are always a good many of them here, answered Pavel; 'but they are only troublesome in the winter. He crouched down again before the fire. As he sat down on the ground, he laid his hand on the shaggy head of one of the dogs. For a long while the flattered brute did not turn his head, gazing sidewise with grateful pride at Pavlusha. Vanya lay down under his rug again.

I believe in free love myself, yes. . . . But to my thinking, once you have settled together, you ought to go on living together all your life." "Without love?" "I will tell you directly," said Samoylenko. "Eight years ago there was an old fellow, an agent, here a man of very great intelligence. Well, he used to say that the great thing in married life was patience. Do you hear, Vanya?

But there was never a cross word between them, and they went to bed singing like nightingales. "Is that the end?" Maroosia always asked. "Is that all?" asked Vanya, though he knew it was not. "Not quite," said old Peter; "but the tale won't go any quicker than my old tongue." In the morning the old woman had forgotten about her promise.

Such droshkys are still to be seen in our town. Stopping at the corner of the cathedral for there were a number of carriages, and mounted police too, at the gates the lady sprang out of the droshky and handed the driver four kopecks in silver. "Isn't it enough, Vanya?" she cried, seeing his grimace. "It's all I've got," she added plaintively. "Well, there, bless you.

The children hate him from the bottom of their hearts, but on this occasion, practical considerations override sentiment. "I say, Nina," says Vanya, opening his eyes wide. "Let Nero be their father, instead of the horse! The horse is dead and he is alive, you see."

Then his wife said, "It was not for nothing I dreamt your hair had turned grey. You remember? You should not have started that day." And passing her fingers through his hair, she said: "Vanya dearest, tell your wife the truth; was it not you who did it?" "So you, too, suspect me!" said Aksionov, and, hiding his face in his hands, he began to weep.