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"In the States, you know, they carry it even further. . . . I believe there one can hire a professional female co-respondent a woman of unassailable virtue and repulsive aspect who will keep the man company in compromising circumstances long enough for the wife to establish her case." The girl sprang up and confronted him with her eyes blazing, but Vane continued dreamily.

For a while Vane studied them, more to distract his own thoughts than for any interest in their opinions. It struck him that they were the exact counterpart of the new clique of humanity which has sprung up recently on this side of the Irish Sea; advanced thinkers without thought the products of a little education without the ballast of a brain.

For the moment Hilary Vane, under this traitorous influence, was unable to speak. But he let the hand rest on his shoulder, and at length was able to pronounce, in a shamefully shaky voice, the name of his son. Whereupon Austen seized him by the other shoulder and turned him round and looked into his face. "The same old Judge," he said. But Hilary was startled, even as Euphrasia had been.

"Basil," said the lad, going over to him and putting his hand on his shoulder, "you have come too late. Yesterday, when I heard that Sibyl Vane had killed herself " "Killed herself! Good heavens! is there no doubt about that?" cried Hallward, looking up at him with an expression of horror. "My dear Basil! Surely you don't think it was a vulgar accident? Of course she killed herself."

"I verily believe," said the president, "at a word from your son, most of them would put on their coats and follow him on any mad expedition that came into his mind." Hilary Vane groaned more than once in the train back to Ripton. It meant nothing to him to be the father of the most popular man in college.

Ah, but few know what a hateful place it is to Hilary Vane to-day, this keyboard at which he has sat so complacently in years gone by, the envied of conventions. He sits down wearily at the basswood table, and scarcely hears the familiar sounds without, which indicate that the convention of conventions has begun.

Flint, "if I remember rightly, you expressed some rather radical views for the son of Hilary Vane." "For the son of Hilary Vane," Austen agreed, with a smile. Mr. Flint ignored the implication in the repetition. "Thinking as mach as I do of Mr. Vane, I confess that your views at that time rather disturbed me.

His resoluteness was shown in his resistance to Anne Hutchinson and her supporter, Sir Harry Vane, who professed the heresy that faith absolved from obedience to the moral law; they were forced to quit the colony; and so was Roger Williams, as lovely as and in some respects a loftier character than Winthrop.

Besides all this, had not Captain Vane his scientific investigations, his pendulum experiments, his wind-gauging, his ozone testing, his thermometric, barometric, and chronometric observations, besides what Benjy styled his kiteometric pranks?

"Good-night, Ham," said Mr. Vane, once more. Mr. Tooting looked at him, slowly buttoned up his overcoat, and departed. The eventful day of Mr. Humphrey Crewe's speech on national affairs dawned without a cloud in the sky.