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The hush that followed was broken by the suggestive whisper: "Vallandigham!" "But, ah," continued the Speaker as his voice grew sadder still "I am reminded that there are other such. My zeal and love for Ohio have carried me too far. I retract.

Two cases which arose in Dayton made it necessary to distinguish between two possible courses, and though there was a good deal of difference in judgment among loyal men I thought the event fully justified us in that which we pursued. The arrest of Vallandigham had left a certain class of people in Dayton on the verge of violent outbreak.

Raymond in the Address, though on the whole perhaps it was prudent to make that document so long as to insure it against being read. In their treatment of Mr. Vallandigham the managers were prudent.

Another insisted that he knowed me, and that I wuz Vallandigham himself, brought down there to be sent through the lines. Then I thought sure they'd kill me on the spot. I begged and pled and denied. Finally, they organized a court-martial to try me for my life. "They had an awful tonguey feller that acted as Prosecutin' Attorney, and the way he blackguarded me was a shame.

The term so accurately described the character of Vallandigham, and the pointed query so touched the hearts of the Union people throughout the land whose favorite "soldier boys" had volunteered to fill the Union armies, that it rendered powerless the crafty criticism of party diatribes. The response of the people of Ohio was emphatic.

Vallandigham, the democratic leader of Ohio, who had come across country from Halifax, on his way homeward through, free, Canada after his seizure in bed, in Ohio, and deportation across the Northern frontier into the land of secession. It appeared that Mr.

It was the expression of a man really agonised by his weekly task of confirming sentences on deserters from the army. Governor Seymour was a more presentable antagonist than Vallandigham. He did not propose to stop the war.

We arrested the criminal, but whilst we held him, an indictment was found against him in the local court, and he was demanded by the civil authorities for trial. We knew very well that in any jury of that county enough partisans of Vallandigham would be found to prevent a conviction, but I ordered the man to be delivered up.

This was at once repudiated by McClellan in his letter of acceptance, and then again was reiterated by Vallandigham as the true policy of the party. Thus war Democrats were alarmed, and a split was opened. Yet it was by no means such a chasm as that which, upon the opposite side, divided the radicals and politicians from the mass of their Republican comrades.

Vallandigham mounted into the spring wagon provided for the rest of his journey, and was driven rapidly out of the sleeping town toward the Confederate lines.