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The valet, understanding his master's wishes, fulfilled them to the letter; he trumpeted the arrival of the great poet, for whom the doctors advised sea-air to restore his health, injured as it was by the double toils of literature and politics.

I shall go back to Castlewood; I shall live at Castlewood; I shall build up the house. My property will be pretty well restored by then. The late viscount mismanaged my property, and left it in a very bad state. My mother is living close, as you see, and keeps me in a way hardly befitting a peer of these realms; for I have but a pair of horses, a governor, and a man that is valet and groom.

"I've something particular to say to you and there's barely time to say it before that nice girl comes back. Look here! Do you happen to be acquainted with Mr.-Honorable-Hardyman's valet?" Moody's eyes rested on Old Sharon with a searching and doubtful look. "Mr. Hardyman's valet?" he repeated. "I wasn't prepared to hear Mr. Hardyman's name."

He threw out a gold coin for the valet to pick up, and all the heads craned forward that all the eyes might look down at it as it fell. The tall man called out again with a most unearthly cry. "Dead!" He was arrested by the quick arrival of another man, for whom the rest made way.

Armande, the present duc, tells me that he has a dispatch box filled with the love letters his ancestor received their preservation owed to a faithful valet who kept them all separated in bundles tied with different ribbons and every lock of hair and souvenir attached to each. There is an idea! I wonder if Burton has ever thought of keeping mine?

At this moment, after a discreet knock on the door, my valet Clegg entered. "Sir," said he in his soft and toneless voice, "the groom is below; shall you ride or drive this morning?" "Neither!" I answered, whereupon Clegg bowed and withdrew. "Excellent!" nodded Anthony. "Nothing like walking to make an empty stomach aware of its vacuity.

The two ladies thought it a cry of fear. "Listen!" said Madame Grevin, "can there be robbers?" "No, nonsense!" said Grevin, "only carnival cries; the masqueraders must be coming to pay us a visit." This discussion gave time for the four strangers to close the doors towards the courtyards and to lock up Violette and the valet.

Though I never had with me less than a half a score of led horses, I had such an affection for the sorrel that I preferred to wait until it was shod, rather than accommodate myself to a nag of less easy paces; and would allow my household to precede me, while I stayed behind with at most a guard or two, my valet, and a page.

Denslow in yon picture; and we seemed to discover, under the management of your valet, that Denslow's picture, a genuine duplicate of the original by the author, was a modern copy. Since your Highness quitted the gallery, those delusions have ceased. The picture appears now to be genuine. The likeness to Mrs. Denslow has vanished."

The jeweler arrived just as the disorder in the room had been repaired. "'Duvivier, asked Monsieur de Merret, 'did not you buy some crucifixes of the Spaniards who passed through the town? "'No, monsieur. "'Very good; thank you, said he, flashing a tiger's glare at his wife. 'Jean, he added, turning to his confidential valet, 'you can serve my meals here in Madame de Merret's room.