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All these rulers of the earth, who have, O king, become tributary to thee, will pay thee tribute in gold, both pure and impure. At that spot, let there commence, O foremost of kings, with due rites, and without any disturbance the sacrifice, sanctified with mantras abounding in edibles. The name of that sacrifice worthy of virtuous persons, is Vaishnava.

All of the many modern sects of Hinduism were originally protests against the dominant Brahmanism of the day. The most popular Vaishnava sect, in South India, the Visishdadvaitha sect of Ramanuja, was first a vigorous protest against the austere pantheism of Sankaran.

The form of mine which awaketh from sleep at the end of a thousand years, granteth, upon awakening, excellent boons to persons deserving of them. Hear, O Partha, what that boon was. 'Possessed of the Vaishnava weapon, let my son become incapable of being slain by the gods and the Asuras.

In one of our Vaishnava lyrics the lover says to his beloved: "I feel as if I have gazed upon the beauty of thy face from my birth, yet my eyes are hungry still: as if I have kept thee pressed to my heart for millions of years, yet my heart is not satisfied." This makes it clear that it is really the infinite whom we seek in our pleasures.

All these rulers of the earth, who have, O king, become tributary to thee, will pay thee tribute in gold, both pure and impure. At that spot, let there commence, O foremost of kings, with due rites, and without any disturbance the sacrifice, sanctified with mantras abounding in edibles. The name of that sacrifice worthy of virtuous persons, is Vaishnava.

It was the new vaishnava faith of the Nuddea reformer Chaitanya which led to the composition of the first Bengali prose. The Brahmans and the Mohammedan rulers alike treated Bengali though "it arose from the tomb of the Sanskrit," as Italian did from Latin under Dante's inspiration as fit only for "demons and women."

It is the high function of love to welcome all limitations and to transcend them. For nothing is more independent than love, and where else, again, shall we find so much of dependence? In love, thraldom is as glorious as freedom. The Vaishnava religion has boldly declared that God has bound himself to man, and in that consists the greatest glory of human existence.

That celestial and indestructible bow was held by Phalguni. The Vaishnava bow was held by Nakula, and the bow called Aswina was held by Sahadeva. That celestial and terrible bow called the Paulastya, was held by Ghatotkacha. The five jewels of bows borne by the five sons of Draupadi were the Raudra, the Agneya, the Kauverya, the Yamya, and the Girisa.

It behoveth thee to grant me that weapon. Hearing this prayer, I then gave, in days of old, the supreme and infallible Vaishnava weapon to the Earth's son. I said also at that time these words, 'O Earth, let this weapon be infallible for the protection of Naraka. None will be able to slay him.

To my friend mentioned a while ago I said one day: "A tattered old manuscript has been discovered while rummaging in the Adi Brahma Samaj library and from this I have copied some poems by an old Vaishnava Poet named Bhanu Singha;" with which I read some of my imitation poems to him. He was profoundly stirred.