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There is an inventory extant of the surplices, stoles, and amices, and the fur choir hats with crowns of squirrel and linings of vair. There are countless sacerdotal ornaments.

Ere they returned to camp he knew enough to stop at "ho," to go ahead at "mush," to swing wide on the bends, and to keep clear of the wheeler when the loaded sled shot downhill at their heels. "T'ree vair' good dogs," Francois told Perrault. "Dat Buck, heem pool lak hell. I tich heem queek as anyt'ing."

She was idly wondering what a "vair" might be when her dreams were crashed into by mother's reproving voice: "Missy, what are you doing? If you don't get right down to practicing, there'll be no more parties!" Abashed, Missy made her fingers behave, but not her heart. It was singing a tune far out of harmony with chromatic exercises, and she was glad her mother could not hear.

Great plenty of gold and silver have you in your coffers; you have enough of the vair and the gray, of hawks on their perches, of mules and palfreys and war steeds; you have overcome all your foes, and none dare rise up against you. All within six days' journey are your vassals. What more would you desire to make you happy?" "Sweet lady," answered Bego, "you have spoken truly.

He withdrew his eyes hurriedly, and fixed them instead on his pipe. He always brought it with him, by her order, and Advena usually sewed. He thought as he watched her that it made the silences enjoyable. "And expensive, I dare say, too," he said. "Yes, more or less. Alec paid fifty dollars for his, and never liked it." "Fifty dollars ten pounds! No vair for me!" he declared.

'The Prioress, they said with their most sanctimonious air, wears golden rings exceeding costly, with divers precious stones and also girdles silvered and gilded over and silken veils and she carries her veil too high above her forehead, so that her forehead, being entirely uncovered, can be seen of all, and she wears furs of vair.

Henri Durant rubbed his hands exultantly, and Grouse Piet laughed softly. "Oui; they will FIGHT!" said Henri again. "Ze wolf, he will fight, oui," said Grouse Piet. "But your dog, m'sieu, he be vair seek, lak a puppy, w'en ze fight come!" A little later Miki saw a white man standing close to his cage. It was MacDonnell, the Scotch factor. He gazed at Miki and the wolf-dog with troubled eyes.

"Ah, das is goot vair goot," said Meyer, opening his huge mouth very wide to let out a cloud of smoke and a quiet laugh. "Well, but you know," said Jeffson, apologetically, "a poor fellow livin' out here in the wilderness ain't just always quite up in the gee-graphical changes that take place on the airth.

An old local saying had something perhaps to do with her views: "Lang and lazy, Black and proud; Vair and voolish, Little and loud." "Fair and foolish" youngsters certainly abounded in the neighborhood to an extent which justified a wish for a change. As to pride, meek Mrs.

Cinderella's famous slipper was made of "vair," which, through a misapprehension in being translated "verre," has become known as a glass slipper. After a bit, the makers of armour discovered that much tedious labor in chain making might be spared, if one introduced a large plate of solid metal on the chest and back. This was in the thirteenth century.