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This vain hope proves that I have not even yet become thoroughly acquainted with the Persians.

With their thoughts fixed secretly in vain speculation on the nature of the interview which was then taking place in Lady Janet's room, they tried to speak on topics indifferent to both of them tried, and failed, and tried again. In a last and longest pause of silence between them, the next event happened. The door from the hall was softly and suddenly opened. Was it Horace? No not even yet.

The train was late, and after finding this out Sam took a walk around the village to see what changes had been made during the past few months. But Oak Run was a slow place and he look in vain for improvements. "Guess I'll have my hair cut while I am here," he said to himself, and started to enter the only barber shop of which the railroad village boasted.

In vain the good magistrate said to himself that it was no business of his; that he had nothing whatever to do with the case, he had simply performed his duty done what was required of him. Yet he could not feel satisfied; he was sure there was a mystery, and he longed to fathom it. He resolved to go and see the young man, and ask him more questions, to try to ascertain who he really was.

The first of these is gotten by Gad and the latter by Asher. Here it is to wete that first was Rachel's maiden put to the husband or the maiden of Leah; and this is the skill why. For truly, but if the jangling of the imagination, that is to say, the in-running of vain thoughts, be first refrained, without doubt the lust of the sensuality may not be attempered.

One would think these young Virtuoso's take a gay Cap and Slippers, with a Scarf and Party-coloured Gown, to be Ensigns of Dignity; for the vain Things approach each other with an Air, which shews they regard one another for their Vestments.

They darken all but a vain man by casting a dark shadow of trite sentences on each luminary. The vain man insults them directly, and so gets rid of them. Talboys kept coming across honest enthusiastic David with little remarks, each skillfully discordant with the rising sentiment.

For an example, he mentioned Christmas gift boxes, of which he'd seen samples that were marvels of splendor. Lorilleux sneered at this; he was extremely vain because of working with gold, feeling that it gave a sort of sheen to his fingers and his whole personality. "In olden times jewelers wore swords like gentlemen."

It was the first trial of his married life a very great one and he had had no other as yet to break him in. He in vain tried to comfort his young wife; it was very, very hard to them both; and, indeed, it was very difficult to discover any sort of comfort, and the more he said the more poor Julia wept.

A few months later, peace was concluded, and all the conquests made by the Marquis de Bouille were returned to England. Alexandre de Beauharnais had then come in vain to Martinique. No fame was to be won no laurels could be gathered there. Unfortunately, however, the viscount found another occupation for his restless heart, for the vague cravings of his affections.