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Indigestible foods or drinks, the rubbing of the clothes, the friction of walking, and the heat of the bed act as exciting causes in those predisposed to it. The essential treatment here is to at once ascertain and remove the cause; aids in the treatment are vaginal douches and cooling lotions.

The vaginal secretion becomes more abundant during pregnancy, and the increase is interpreted as an additional guarantee against infection at the time of labor. So far as possible, therefore, this natural antiseptic should not be disturbed.

Accordingly, whenever vaginal bleeding is noticed, some other explanation should be sought; and the patient who would adopt the wisest plan should assume that she is threatened with miscarriage. There are other possibilities, but these are for her doctor to consider. It is true that small hemorrhages are not necessarily followed by miscarriage.

The vaginal opening does not always stretch sufficiently to allow the passage of the child's head and the great pressure being exerted on the child by the uterine and abdominal muscles pushes it through, causing the tear. Not directly connected with any of the other organs but still associated with them are the breasts.

This blood, after performing its mission of carrying the ova down into the womb, escapes from the body through the vaginal passage and is cared for by the wearing of a bandage between the thighs. This flow of blood continues for about five days, and is known as a menstrual flow; and this time in a woman's life is known as the menstrual period.

Late in the puerperium vaginal douches are unobjectionable, and patients may take them unassisted, for then the fluid will not penetrate the womb so long as it has a free escape from the outlet of the vagina.

For example much of the information necessary for the proper management of delivery may be gained from examination of the patient's abdomen; and this may be supplemented by observations too technical to consider here. Occasionally I have heard doctors accused of negligence because they failed to make numerous vaginal examinations.

The plastic insertion tips vary somewhat. The straight tubular tip is intended for enemas; the flared vaginal douche tip can be useful for enemas too, in that it somewhat restrains unintentional expulsion of the nozzle while filling the colon. However, its four small holes do not allow a very rapid rate of flow.

Bader has observed grave symptoms following the employment of a vaginal suppository containing three grains of the extract of belladonna. The dermal manifestations, such as urticaria and eruptions resembling the exanthem of scarlatina, are too well known to need mention here.

Add 10-15 drops of carbolic acid to one quart of warm water and use as a vaginal douche. Keep bowels open. Furnish light, nourishing diet, and give tonics. Treatment: Keep feet warm and give injections to the bowels of lobelia, lady slipper, and skullcap. Rub the abdomen with liniment. Absolute quiet, above all else, will bring relief. Treatment: Complete rest.