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"It is the cloth that is easy broke," explained she, when she lifted her suffused but still smiling face, "and I a new one will have when I haf my money, my vage." With that Marie was gone, her poor gown scalloping around her heavy, backward heels, her smiling glance of artless coquetry over her shoulder to the last, and the boy and the old clerk looked at each other. The boy whistled.

"Well, Gustav," said that gentleman in French as the foreigner approached him, where he waited in the outer lobby. "Eh bien, man cher," replied the other, "'ow 'appy I am to see you. I can speak ze Englise foine, n'est ce pas?" "What are you doing in London?" "I am vaiter, garcon at ze private hotel. 'Zey give me foods and drinks and one black coat, but not no vage.

Afder dot I learn to be a carpenter. Now I am a kink, mit a castle all mine own, I am no more a vage slafe." He laughed at his own conceit, a great, roaring bellow that filled the room. "You're on the right track," Bill nodded. "It's a pity more people don't take the same notion. What do you think of this country, anyway?" "It iss goot," Lauer answered briefly, and with unhesitating certainty.

"Mine vages," said she, and a bit of the coquetry faded, and her small smile waxed rather piteous. She wanted that new dress for the ball sadly. Carroll's face changed; he compressed his mouth. Marie shrank a little with frightened eyes on his face. "How much is it, Marie?" asked Carroll. "Tree mont vage, Mr. Captain," answered Marie, eagerly, "I haf not had."

And you told me when I engaged you that you were an orphan brought up by an aunt." "Pay me my vage," demanded Trudi, lifting a defiant and perfectly dry countenance, and launching the utterance in the forbidden English language, "and I vill now go. I vish not to stop here longer." "Very well, but where are you going?"