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Had he forgiven her altogether, and was this kind interest in her affairs an unconscious heaping of coals of fire on her head? Had he forgiven her so easily? Again she argued with herself, as she had so often argued before, that his love had never been more than a truant fancy, a transient folly, the merest vagabondage of an idle brain.

Yet observe she uses the word Karma: she calls herself a Theosophist. My long vagabondage she calls my Karma. "My happiness," I corrected her. "Happiness or unhappiness, it is all the same, your Karma." She went on to talk of the great powers of Mme. Blavatsky, and she told me that Alexander Fed'otch had just ordered The Secret Doctrine to read.

What should provide for the helpless among them, especially for the children, whom the master's care had supported? How should order be maintained in the lower mass, half-brutalized, whom slavery had at least restrained from vagabondage, rapine, and crime? And how should the whole body be induced to furnish the dynamic, driving power of industry essential to the community's needs?

It meant a rise from vagabondage to position among his people. Of all earthly attainments, the first and most desirable and last to let go of is an honest servant unless it be a friend. A huge fear suddenly seized Fred Oakes. "You said Monty is in Zeitoon alive or dead? Quick, man! Answer!" "Should I leave Zeitoon," Kagig answered slowly, unless I left a better man in charge behind me?

Yet a moment, there they are, age and childhood, poverty, wealth, station, vagabondage; the preacher's sacred learning and august ambition; fancies of dawning reason; hopes of intellect matured; memories of existence wrecked; household sorrows; untold regrets; elegy and epic in low, close, human sighs, to which Poetry never yet gave voice: all for the moment personified there before you, a glimpse for the guess, no more.

In sheer pity he is committed every now and then to prison for vagabondage not for punishment, but in order to save him from himself. It is in vain: the moment he is out he returns to his habits. All he wants is a little beer he is not a drunkard and a little tobacco, and the hedges.

In each of the centres traversed in the course of his sentimental vagabondage he tried to find a woman in whom was embodied all the scattered charms of the district. He had formed innumerable intimacies. Some had been frankly affectionate. The majority were Platonic. Others had consisted of the simple coquetry of friendship, as was the case with Mademoiselle Steno.

She knew now that she had been bargained for like any slave for three thousand pounds. How far away it all seemed, how barbaric and revolting! Yet here it all was rolling up like a flood to her feet, to bear her away into a past with its sordidness and vagabondage, however gilded and graded above the lowest vagabondage.

But of all the modern notions generated by mere wealth the worst is this: the notion that domesticity is dull and tame. This is indeed a rich man's opinion. The rich man knows that his own house moves on vast and soundless wheels of wealth, is run by regiments of servants, by a swift and silent ritual. On the other hand, every sort of vagabondage of romance is open to him in the streets outside.

He was always in his office, at stated times, and with a patience and kindness worthy of all admiration, the millionaire listened to their sad tales, and provided such aid as was necessary, oftentimes giving it out of his own purse when the public funds failed. He was a bitter foe to vagabondage and mendicity. If people in need were willing to work, he would place them in the way of doing so.