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To-night there was a meeting of the two fractions of the Left, the Radical Left and Political Left, in the hall of the Academy, in the Rue Jacques Bell. The speakers were Louis Blanc, Emmanuel Arago, Vacherot, Jean Brunet, Bethmont, Peyrat, Brisson, Gambetta, and myself. I doubt whether my plan for fusion or even for an entente cordiale will succeed. Schoelcher and Edmond Adam walked home with me.

The sister had come to Marinata in order to persuade her brother, as one of the trustees of her property, to co-operate with her in bestowing some of her money on the French artist, Monsieur Octave Vacherot, to whom, as she calmly avowed, her affections were indissolubly attached, though she did not ever intend to marry him, nor indeed to see much of him in the future.

All the same, it makes me desperately anxious, to see the effect that this opposition of mine produces upon her. 'I saw yesterday that she must have been crying in the night' said Eleanor. Her words evoked some emotion in Manisty. 'She cried in my presence, and I believe she cried most of the night afterwards, he said in hasty pain. 'That beast Vacherot! 'Why doesn't she marry him?

Cicero; De Natura Deorum, I, 16, 17, and frequently. See also Seneca; Epist., cxvii, whose Syncretism allows him to borrow from Stoic and Epicurean alike. See also Zeller; Stoics, Epicureans and Sceptics, p. 465. E.g., I, 36; II, 2, 5, ff. Vacherot: Histoire Critique de l'Ecole d'Alexandrie, Vol. I, p. 142. Ibid.: Vol. I, p. 143, 144.

December 22nd. To Paris, with Christine and Hopie. Cold. On the 26th breakfasted with the Due d'Aumale, and went with him to the Institute. Evening, Duchesse de Chartres. 27th, dined at Versailles with Thiers; Mignet, Barthelemy St.-Hilaire and Vacherot. It was on this occasion that Thiers related the story of the Duc d'Enghien. January 1st, 1875. We dined at the Embassy for the Jour de l'an.