United States or Heard Island and McDonald Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

At that instant the thicket opened, and a tall and armed Huron advanced a few paces into the open space. As he gazed upon the silent blockhouse, the moon fell upon his swarthy countenance, and betrayed its surprise and curiosity. He made the exclamation which usually accompanies the former emotion in an Indian, and, calling in a low voice, soon drew a companion to his side.

Bird study, it is true, was at that time taught in many city schools, but usually the subject was given slight space in the curriculum, and for the children and teachers there was available only a limited literature, and it was of an inadequate character.

When we discovered our own value to the film makers Auntie managed to get us better engagements, so we've acted for three different concerns during the past two years, while Aunt Jane has become noted as a clever judge of the merits of scenarios." "Do both of you girls play star parts?" Beth inquired. "Usually.

The women and girls, when they had no men with them, usually tried to make fun with me. 'Is it tired you are, stranger? said one girl. I was walking very slowly, to pass the time before my return to the east. 'Bedad, it is not, little girl, I answered in Gaelic, 'It is lonely I am. 'Here is my little sister, stranger, who will give you her arm. And so it went.

If you should ever come to care for my friendship that is the best passport to it your loyalty to Mr. Siward." "No man can truthfully speak otherwise than I have spoken," he said gravely. "No, not of these things. But you know w-what is is usually said when his name comes up among men." "Do you mean about his habits?" he asked simply. "Yes. Is it not an outrage to drag in that sort of thing?

If we take the somewhat coarse and inadequate criterion of police statistics, we find that, while the male and female populations are nearly the same in number, the crimes committed by men are usually rather more than five times as numerous as those committed by women; and although it may be justly observed that men, as the stronger sex, and the sex upon whom the burden of supporting the family is thrown, have more temptations than women, it must be remembered, on the other hand, that extreme poverty which verges upon starvation is most common among women, whose means of livelihood are most restricted, and whose earnings are smallest and most precarious.

I saw a method of smoking meat which was new to me, at a farmhouse near where the Russians were making a road. Edwards and I, with some others, had carried out the soup. The Russians usually ate their soup in the cow-stable part of the house, but the British and Canadians went right into the kitchen.

What if the town-clock had struck four? what if at this hour Miss Ayres usually rounded the corner of Granby street on her way home? But, poor fellow! he had tried to think his way through the difficulty.

#Clinical Features of Malignant Pustule.# We shall here confine ourselves to the consideration of the local lesion as it occurs in the skin the malignant pustule. The point of infection is usually on an uncovered part of the body, such as the face, hands, arms, or back of the neck, and the wound may be exceedingly minute.

It is propagated by cuttings in the spring. SALSAFY. Tragopogon porrifolium. A biennial, sown in March, and is usually in season during winter. The roots are the parts used, which are very sweet, and contain a large quantity of milky juice: it is a good vegetable plain boiled, and the professors of cookery make many fine dishes of it. SAVORY, SUMMER. Satureja hortensis.