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"The officer was well dressed and, notwithstanding his pitiful condition, more cheerful than myself and my comrades. "Soon he felt a strong desire to urinate, but was unable to do so. "With great relish he ate a large piece of horse flesh which had been roasted at the fire, but soon complained of great illness. "His cheerfulness changed suddenly to a sensation of great distress.

Phlegmatic's suits to the dry cleaner; and then driving the boys to baseball practice, boy scouts meetings, or swimming lessons. Her only contemplation during the first week of this teacher act was to sit on the toilet to urinate and defecate. It brought not only to her a physical catharsis but, from the bathroom window a view of Betty burning raked grass and leaves in the yard.

From that moment he sought close contact with women urinating, the maximum of gratification being reached when he could place himself in such a position that a woman, in all innocence, would urinate into his mouth. All his amorous adventures were concerned with the search for opportunities for procuring this difficult gratification.

Many mammals are equally careful in this respect; thus, for example, the Beaver, as Hearne observed, always enters the water, or goes out on the ice, to urinate or defæcate; the fæces float and are soon disintegrated. Animals are also careful about aëration. Thus, among Bees, in a hive full of very active insects the heat rises considerably and the air is vitiated.

The quarters seemed, O king, to be ablaze, and showers of dust fell from the blue. And a shower fell there, of pieces of bones mixed with blood. And tears fell from the eyes of the animals which were all weeping. And filled with anxiety, O king, these began to urinate and eject the contents of their stomachs.

Where there is any chance of venereal infection, the woman should urinate immediately after each connection, wash with soap and water, and then at once douche with weak and warm disinfecting lotion. If medically directed, she should also use a little calomel ointment for anointing parts that have been touched in any way. Daily.

These tumors or dilated blood vessels of the rectum are called hemorrhoids or piles. I will explain these more thoroughly when I talk to you about constipation. The womb may tip forward, pressing on the bladder and causing a frequent desire to urinate. More rarely it is tipped to one side. It then tends to pull on the ovaries and produce pain and various nervous symptoms.

"But you followed me here" he laughed incredulously. "Yes." He needed to urinate and obviously so did the younger man who was no longer looking at the road but toward the land with forest behind them, and a pasture with free roaming emaciated water buffalo at a distance.

If you take the following precautions without delay you are very very unlikely to contract disease: Urinate immediately after each connection to wash away all infective material, and to prevent the invasion of the urethra by the microbes of V.D.

Then there were some things, she said, that were too dirty to repeat; well, one man came home with her and her friend and made them urinate into his mouth. She also had stories of flagellation, generally of men who whipped the girls, more rarely of men who liked to be whipped by them. One man, who brought a new birch every time, liked to whip her friend until he drew blood.