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The messenger, introduced in the last chapter, was charged with matter that had a reference to the events of this war; and it was with an especial communication of great urgency that he had now demanded his secret audience with the leader of the military force of the valley.

But of the new guns that Ostrog had made and which were known to be in the city came no news in spite of Graham's urgency, nor any report of successes from the dense felt of fighting strands about the flying stages.

Despite the comical element in this incident, a tear was forced out of Captain Bream's eye, and we rather think that the missionary was similarly affected. But, to say truth, the public at large cared little for such matters. Each was too much taken up with the pressing urgency of his or her own sorrows to give much heed to the woes of strangers.

I perceive that the matter is of great despatch and urgency." "To be sure, so it is, my son. Thy mother must have preparation: it is no more than reasonable. "Nay, but good sir," I asked with some trembling, so eager was I to see Lorna; "if His Majesty's business will keep till Friday, may it not keep until Monday?

The progress of the European War warns Japan with greater urgency of the imperative necessity of solving this most vital of questions. The Imperial Government cannot be considered as embarking on a rash project. This opportunity will not repeat itself for our benefit. We must avail ourselves of this chance and under no circumstances hesitate.

To Paul, at this time, the idea of any pursuit which would take him away from the village was extremely distasteful, and he had no difficulty in finding excuses enough for procrastinating a step for which, indeed, no sort of urgency could be pretended. He was to be Miss Ludington's heir, and any profession which he might adopt would be purely ornamental at most.

It could not be done; there was no room. An appeal was made to the Governor of Moravia and Silesia, residing at Brunn, who commanded, on the urgency of the case, that the medical advice should be followed. There was a little light in the room to which I was removed.

To avoid swelling talk, I tell you, Richie, I have my hand on the world's wheel, and now is the time for you to spring from it and gain your altitude. If you fail, my success is emptiness. 'Will you avoid Edbury and his like, and protect yourself? was my form of stipulation, spoken to counteract his urgency.

How to do this was, however, the question which puzzled king M'Bongwele; and it puzzled him so long that but stay, we must not forestall the story. Thus engaged in a futile endeavour to discover a way out of his dilemma, the king kept himself strictly secluded in his palace day after day, allowing no one access to him unless upon business of the utmost urgency and importance.

In these days the old man's urgency of Tollman's suit was rarely silenced, but one afternoon he pitched it to a new key, and the girl's habitual expression of weariness gave way to one of startled amazement. "Of one phase of the matter," he said, "I have never spoken. I refrained because Eben was unwilling that you should know, but justice is justice you should honor your benefactor."