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Although this was often inconvenient, yet it would have broken the affectionate fellow's heart if I had forbidden it, so it went on. Potts made an effort to induce him to sleep forward among the Lascars, but though Uracao had borne insolence from him without a murmur, this proposal made his eyes kindle with a menacing fire which silenced the other into fear.

I remember once thinking indifferently that Potts would have to be reprimanded, or kicked, or something of that sort, but was not capable of any action. "Uracao had for years slept in front of my door when at home, and, when traveling, in the same room. He always waked at the slightest noise. He regarded his life as mine, and thought that he was bound to watch over me till I died.

'This devil's strangling me! "At this a tumult arose round the two men. Uracao was dragged off. Potts rose to his feet. At that moment I found my pistols. I could not distinguish persons, but I ran the risk and fired. A sharp cry followed. Somebody was wounded. "'Damn him! cried Potts, 'he's got the pistols. "The next moment they had all rushed out, dragging Uracao with them.

Of the Lascars, two had been down below, but one was on deck and swore to have seen the same. On this testimony Uracao was condemned and executed." "How did they happen to leave the brig?" "They said that a great storm came up about three days' sail from Manilla, the vessel sprang a leak, and they had to take to the boat.

I cared not where I went, and hoped that the novelty of the sea voyage might benefit me. "The captain was an Italian named Cigole, a low-browed, evil-faced villain. The mate was named Clark. There were three Lascars, who formed the small crew. Potts came with me, and also an old servant of mine, a Malay; whose life I had saved years before. His name was Uracao.

There are enough provisions and water on board to sustain me for months. The weather has been fine thus far. "I have written this with the wish that whoever may find it will send it to Ralph Brandon, Esq., of Brandon Hall, Devonshire, that he may see that justice is done to Potts, and the rest of the conspirators. Let him also try, if it be not too late, to save Uracao.

"'Potts, cried Uracao. 'Your pistols are under your berth. Quick! Potts tried to strangle you. There's a plot. The Lascars are Thugs. I saw the mark on their arms, the name of Bowhani in Hindu letters. "All the truth now seemed to flash across me. I leaped back to the berth to look under it for my pistols. As I stooped there was a rush behind me. "'Help! Clark! Quick! cried the voice of Potts.

In the month of July a boat arrived at Manilla which carried the crew and one passenger from the brig Vishnu. One of the men, a Malay named Uracao, was in irons, and he was immediately given up to the authorities." "Who were the others?" "Potts, as he called himself, the Colonel's valet, Clark, three Lascars, and the Captain, an Italian named Cigole. Information was at once laid against the Malay.

"'Who are you? I cried, grasping the man who was holding the other down. "'Uracao, said he. 'Get your pistols or you're lost! "'What the devil is the matter? I cried, angrily, for I had not even yet a suspicion. "'Feel around your neck, said he. "Hastily I put my hand up. A thrill of terror passed through me. It was the Thuggee cord. "'Who is this? I cried, grasping the man who had fallen.

There was no chance, certainly, for one of those conspiracies such as Mr. Compton had hinted at as having taken place on the Vishnu; for in his account of that affair he evidently believed that Uracao had been made a scape-goat for the sins of the others. Brandon was soon on the best of terms with the officers of the ship. As to Cigole it was different.