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The upshot of it was that Twyning, speaking for the firm, and calling him about a thousand old mans and that sort of slush, told him that the position would be reconsidered when he ceased to have the girl in his house and that, in the interests of the firm, until he did that he must cease to attend the office.

And she discovered that, if she authorized him to act as administrator for her, he could and beyond question would take a large share of the estate. The upshot was that Frank paid over to his mother and sister forty-seven thousand dollars, and his mother and her brother stopped speaking to each other.

And my share and my joy' he smiled to the darkness 'I owe to the lama here. Also to Mahbub Ali also to Creighton Sahib, but chiefly to the Holy One. He is right a great and a wonderful world and I am Kim Kim Kim alone one person in the middle of it all. But I will see these strangers with their levels and chains... 'What was the upshot of last night's babble? said the lama, after his orisons.

"Ay," said Eric, "and this is the upshot of it, that in the spring we sail for England and bid farewell to Iceland and our ill luck." "Would, then, that it were spring," said Skallagrim, speaking Brighteyes' own words. "Why not sail now and make an end?" "Gudruda has no ship and it is late to take the sea.

If you had heard it, Margaret, you'd know better. I was a bit cross with him for a minute or two then, which I hardly ever am, and that alone would make him remember it, one would think. We talked for over an hour on the business and the upshot was clear and final. No, no, he has got a bit above himself and wants a touch of the curb." "What are you going to do?" she asked.

In my devious childish fashion, I presently gathered that there had been momentous doings in London town that day, and that in the upshot my father had terminated his connection with the famous newspaper from which the bulk of his earnings had been drawn for some years.

And to conclude," added Morgan, "this was the upshot between us." Nevertheless, he remained in this obscurity for a long period. When, towards the close of the year 1585, the English government was established in Holland, he was the object of constant suspicion. "Here is Aldegonde," wrote Sir Philip Sidney to Lord Leicester from Flushing, "a man greatly suspected, but by no man charged.

The answer is that the Transvaal was limited by treaty to certain boundaries which these men transgressed, while no pledges were broken when the British power expanded to the north. The upshot of these trespasses was the scene upon which every drama of South Africa rings down.

Once more, then, whatever be the upshot of the patient work required here, Myers' resourceful intellect has certainly done a service to psychology. I said a while ago that his intellect was not by nature philosophic in the narrower sense of being that of a logician. In the broader sense of being a man of wide scientific imagination, Myers was most eminently a philosopher.

Then some of them fell to fighting, and while they killed each other for it came about that Nada brought death upon the robbers as on all others she escaped, for she said that she did not wish to look upon their struggle but would await the upshot in a place apart. After that she had many further adventures, but at length she met an old woman who guided her on her way to the Ghost Mountain.