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He had learned some of life's lessons, though the most difficult had been forgotten, but he had yet to understand the mighty force of love; that it contains no stagnant quality. Love, reciprocal love, uplifts. But there must be that reciprocal condition to cling to. For love is not selfishness on a grand scale, but a glorified pride.

The German life revolves like the village festival with the pastor in the midst joy and laughter and merry games do not fear the holy man, for he wears no unkindness in his eye, but his presence checks everything boisterous or unseemly, the rude word, the petulant act, and when it has run its course, he uplifts his hands and leaves his benediction on his children.

When Mr Graham talks to me, it is a prophet come from God that teaches me, as certainly as if his fiery chariot were waiting to carry him back when he had spoken; for the word he utters at once humbles and uplifts my soul, telling it that God is all in all and my God that the Lord Christ is the truth and the life, and the way home to the Father." After a little pause,

Thus this divine energy, which after Cannae uplifts Rome, riveting the sympathies of Polybius, outlives Rome itself, still controlling the imaginations of men, until its last flicker in the eighteenth century. Where in the history of England, in the life of England as a State, does this energy, exalted by the hour of tragic vision, manifest itself?

PHYSIOGRAPHIC EFFECTS OF OSCILLATIONS. We have already mentioned several of the most important effects of movements of elevation and depression, such as their effects on rivers, the mantle of waste, and the forms of coasts. Movements of elevation including uplifts by folding and fracture of the crust to be noticed later are the necessary conditions for erosion by whatever agent.

Irish wars, throughout all time, have been only against one enemy, the invader, and, ending so often in material disaster, they have conferred always a moral gain. Their memory uplifts the Irish heart; for no nation, no people, can reproach Ireland with having wronged them.

The faults we allege against his philosophy its scanty recognition of sin and sorrow were the natural incidents of his character and work. They do not debase, though they sometimes limit, his influence for good; his is always the speech of an angel; it strengthens, uplifts, gladdens us.

The sun streamed down, flattening the desert with his fervent beams until the uplifts cringed low and in the horizons the mountain peaks floated languidly upon the waves of heat. And in all this dispassionate land, from horizon to horizon, there were only My Lady and I, and the beleaguering Sioux.

Great dikes and uplifts of jagged rocks towered above us; and up, up, up, lifted the other walls above that. Bissell Point, on the very top, could plainly be seen from our quiet pool. Then came a series of rapids quite different from the Hance Rapid, and many others found above.

You are depriving him of all that encourages and uplifts and rejoices his soul when you ruin his shrines and altars!" "But I give him other and better ones," replied Mary. "Take care then that they are such as he can appreciate," said Demetrius gravely.