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"Yo see, it goes agen mother to be shakin hands wi' yan that's livin wi' Papists and Misther Helbeck by the bargain. So wheniver mother talks aboot Amorites or Jesubites, or any o' thattens, she nobbut means Papist Romanists as our minister coes 'em. He's every bit as bad as her. He would as lief shake hands wi' Mr. Helbeck as wi' the owd 'un!" "I'll uphowd ye Mr.

Noa they war noa good at heirin moor's t' pity." Then she looked slyly at her companion: "An' yo', miss? yo'll be gettin' married one o' these days, I'll uphowd yer." Diana colored and laughed. "Ay," said the old woman, laughing too, with the merriment of a girl. "Sweethearts is noa good but you mun ha' a sweetheart!"

He found himself between two fat farmers, and this was the conversation broad Lincolnshire, of course: 'Did tha hear Lady Mildred Wharton say them things, Willum? 'Aye, a did. 'What did tha think, Willum? 'What did tha think, George? 'Wal, aa thowt Laady Mildred Wharton wor a graät fule, Willum, if tha asks me. 'I'll uphowd tha, George!

That Hannah Grieve's a hard un, I'll uphowd yo. Theer's a deal o' her fault in 't, yo may mak sure. Then she went to give 'Lias some brandy he lived on little else now. He dropped asleep again, and, coming back to the hearth, she consented to lie down before it while her friend watched. Her failing frame was worn out with nursing and want of rest, and she was soon asleep.

'Eh it's been nobbut raggy weather up o' the moors this winter, Davy, an' a great lot o' sheep lost. Nobbut twothrey o' mine, I thank th' Lord. But in the midst of a most unflattering account of the later morals and development of the Wigson family, Reuben stopped dead short, with a stare at the door. 'Wal, aa niver! theer's Mr. Ancrum hissel, I do uphowd yo!

'Bless yo, yes. An theer's mony foak 'at think Miss Emily wor a deol cliverer even nor Miss Charlotte. Not but what yo get a bad noshun o' Yorkshire folk fro Miss Emily's bukes soa I'm towd. Bit there's rough doins on t' moors soomtimes, I'll uphowd yo! An Miss Emily had eyes like gimlets they seed reet through a body.

Jim was the eldest son of the neighbouring farmer, whose girls were Louie's only companions. He was a full-blooded swaggering youth, with whom David was generally on bad terms. David despised him for an oaf who could neither read nor write, and hated him for a bully. He grinned when Hannah asked him questions about the truants. 'Why, they're gone to Edale, th' yoong rascots, I'll uphowd yo!

He couldno riddle through wi lees; I kept him to 't, as yo mun keep a horse to a jump straight an tight. I had it aw out about Strafford, an t'Five Members, an thoose dirty dealins wi th' Irish devils! Yo should ha yerd it, Davy yo should, I'll uphowd yo! And placing his stick between his knees, the old man leant his hands upon it, with a meditative and judicial air.

Most on 'em are t' kind of books yo like I'll uphowd yo! 'Oh, is they? said David, mimicking her. 'Wal, I like 'em, yo see, aw t' same. I tell yo, mermaids is nonsense, cos I know they are. Theer was yan at Hayfield Fair, an the fellys they nearly smashed t' booth down, cos they said it wor a cheat.

She was takkin stock o' you t' whole time, I'll uphowd yo." "That isn't what I wanted," said Laura. She walked to the window and leaned her head against the frame. Polly watched her with compunction, seeing quite plainly the sudden drop of the lip. All she could do was to propose to show her cousin the house. Laura languidly consented.