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His countenance and voice are so harsh and stern; his manner at once so self-complacent and gloomy; his very sentiments so narrow, even in their notions of honour; his very courage so savage, and his pride so constant and offensive, that I in vain endeavour to persuade myself of his virtues, and recur, at least, to the unwearying affection for me which he professes.

Riach had entire charge of a class in my Sabbath school, when I had ample opportunity of testing his efficiency, unwearying patience, exceptional power of illustration and high Christian character," and so on. I am twenty-five years of age, a Master of Arts of the University of Edinburgh, and a member of the Free Church of Scotland.

When the Wood-Warbler secures a territory it repeats its sibilant trill with unwearying zeal, yet no sooner does a mate appear than its emotion is manifested in other directions. The Reed-Bunting is vociferous during February and March; but when a female arrives, periods of silence are frequent and the instinct of the bird becomes progressively less susceptible to stimulation.

There, there had been the restful quiet of the old town, peacefully living on the reputation of its two centuries of strong, honorable life, justly proud of the famous names it had given to its state and country; here, there was the ceaseless, unwearying bustle of a new civilization, the restless activity of a city whose glory was yet to be and whose present ambition was only to grow and to accumulate riches.

Steingall, would take up the hunt with unwearying diligence, and she reasoned, acutely enough, that a plot which embraced in its scope so many different individuals could not long defy the efforts made to elucidate it. How thankful she was now that she had at last written and posted that long-deferred letter to the agent.

Ticknor began early to observe people, and that, although his descriptions, even in his youth, show a lack of imagination, they are yet made lifelike by his patient, unwearying elaboration of details. How full, for instance, is his account of Lord Jeffrey, written to one of his friends in 1814.

I could foresee his future with Lilla beside him. He would have days of unwearying contentment, rendered beautiful by the free fresh air and the fragrance of flowers his evenings would slip softly by to the tinkle of the mandolin, and the sound of his wife and children's singing. What fairer fate could a man desire? what life more certain to keep health in the body and peace in the mind?

This was the one thing that remained for his restoration that she should with long, unwearying gentleness put him to rest. He longed for it utterly for the hands and the restfulness of Helena. 'But it is no good, he said, staring like a drunken man from sleep. 'What time is it? It was ten minutes to nine. She would be in Wimbledon by 10.10. It was time he should be getting ready.

His London friends stuffed him for his conference speeches; he came each day with a carefully typewritten speech, but when once off that, he was at sea." What was the intention of this "unrelenting imperialist campaign"? It took many forms, wore many disguises, but in its secret purposes it was unchangeable and unwearying.

After the need for food and shelter comes the continually recurring necessity on the part of almost every type of animal to escape from the unwearying persecution of higher creatures which would feed upon it. The whole creation is a constant network of animals which prey upon each other. It is the fate of a great majority of all creatures to fall victim to other animals to whom they serve as food.