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I couldn't afford to run the risk of your carelessness, so I took the whole thing and decamped with it." "Oh, Father!" I gasped, beginning to get the untrustful feeling again. "Hush, Phyllis," said the Idol, looking at Father like he was Jack, the Giant-Killer, and just about as much interested as if it was not his own tremendous fortune Father was telling about taking off with him.

That failure was the removal of its last prop; it fell, and Timms retired, as we have seen, into the commercial background. Here, however, he did not find relief. Being a trustful man he was cheated until he became untrustful. His wife became ill owing to bad air and low diet.

"And you'll divorce him?" Kathryn shook her head. "No," she replied softly, "I'll go to him." Elinor started. "What!" she cried, untrustful of her own ears. "I have failed in my duty; you have shown me wherein I have failed. I'll go to him." Elinor caught her hand. "Kate!" she pleaded. "Kate, dear, listen to me!

Her heart was shaken as she walked on alone and came to the oak-tree on the high ridge where Becky had taken her to see the view and told her that she always called it their tree, in that first afternoon's walk. What could make poor old Becky so untrustful and unkind? Perhaps after all everything would be right when they met again; it might be one of Becky's freaks, only a little worse than usual.

But she may very well have had an arrangement with the renegades to lure a victim into the Basin; and then, untrustful of their bloodthirsty instincts, had fled with her prize to the Hole, so that he might be put to ransom.

I will show it to you, but I won't give it to you until after I get the fifty pounds." "Very well, since you are so untrustful." "Untrustful? I am possessed by a demon of mistrust! Why? Because I know I am not the worst person in the world, and what I can think of, another might do.

'Yes, she said. 'I have. And I do I work now for my daily bread. He paused, looked at her steadily, then dropped the subject entirely. She seemed to him to be trifling. 'But have YOU ever worked as the world works? Ursula asked him. He looked at her untrustful. 'Yes, he replied, with a surly bark. 'I have known what it was to lie in bed for three days, because I had nothing to eat.

But she knew that he was too innately untrustful, unloving, to be saved by an act of faith. She had put that book down an hour ago, and turned again to the real pessimism of Zola, longing for the cool of the evening to come. "Marcella," said Louis at last. "There's only one now."

Where everything maimed, ill-famed, lustful, untrustful, over-mellow, sickly-yellow and seditious, festereth pernicious: Spit on the great city and turn back! Here, however, did Zarathustra interrupt the foaming fool, and shut his mouth. Stop this at once! called out Zarathustra, long have thy speech and thy species disgusted me!

The Countess Zara was a young woman, but one who had stood so long on guard against the world, that the strain had told, and her eyes were hard and untrustful, so that she looked much older than she really was. Her life was of two parts.