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She leaned pensively on the little open casement, and in deep thought fixed her eyes on the heaven, whose blue unclouded concave was studded thick with stars, the worlds, perhaps, of spirits, unsphered of mortal mould. As her eyes wandered along the boundless aether, her thoughts rose, as before, towards the sublimity of the Deity, and to the contemplation of futurity.

The centre of the system waging daily more powerful, it more easily unsphered these feebler and mutually repulsive bodies.

Smiling skies and smiling waters; groves of palms and oranges; the bloom of the heliotrope, the jasmine and the rose; flights of strange and gaudy birds; tropic nights at once luxurious and calm; clouds of fireflies floating like unsphered stars on the night breeze; graceful figures of dark-eyed señoritas in diaphanous drapery; picturesque groups of Monteros, relieved by the dusky faces and stalwart forms of the sons of Africa; undulating volantes, military pageants, ecclesiastical processions, frowning fortresses, grim batteries, white sails, fountains raining silver; all these images mingle in brilliant kaleidoscopic combinations, changing and varying as the mind's eye seeks to fix their features.

If one were not a part of the season's fixed routine, one swung unsphered in a void of social non-existence. Lily, for all her dissatisfied dreaming, had never really conceived the possibility of revolving about a different centre: it was easy enough to despise the world, but decidedly difficult to find any other habitable region.

The centre of the system waging daily more powerful, it more easily unsphered these feebler and mutually repulsive bodies.

My soul is, as it were, unsphered. 'Yet you know them to be gods, said the Queen; 'and the Emir of the Lebanon does not know them to be gods? 'I feel that they are such, said Fakredeen. 'How is this, then? said the Queen. 'How is it that you, the child of a northern isle 'Should recognise the Olympian Jove, said Tancred. 'It seems strange; but from my earliest youth I learnt these things.

In my day we would talk about anything, from the Greek feeling about landscape to the principles the Romans would have taken as the basis of actuarial tables, if they had had them. We unsphered Plato, we speculated as to what Euripides would have thought of Henry James, or whether Sophocles would have enjoyed Miss -'s acting, and felt that it was of vital import to decide these matters.

The centre of the system waging daily more powerful, it more easily unsphered these feebler and mutually repulsive bodies.

The centre of the system waging daily more powerful, it more easily unsphered these feebler and mutually repulsive bodies.

I have been quite unsphered since I have been here, in various ways, and have discovered how good every man's business is and how wide his horizon. There is a shabby Americanism which prowls proselyting through Europe, defying its spirit or its beauty or its difference to swerve it from what it calls its patriotism.