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Accordingly he reined his pony to one side and was approaching the furrow when he was startled to hear a cry of delight: "I've got it! I've got it!" Hastily unslinging his rifle, the elder of the chums pointed it in the direction whence the unexpected voice had come and shouted: "You there, in the grass! Stand up before I count five or I'll " But Larry had no occasion to complete his command.

We all felt greatly depressed and said little, although Gamarra asked for his bonus and regarded the gold coins with grim complacency. After we had rested awhile we began to take observations. Unslinging the aneroid which I had been carrying, I found to my surprise and dismay that the needle showed a height of only 21,525 feet above sea level.

Overhead he heard the muffled noises of the final preparations of the sailors furling sail, spreading the nettings, unslinging the machines, and hanging the armor of bull-hide over the side. Presently quiet settled about the galley again; quiet full of vague dread and expectation, which, interpreted, means READY.

Unslinging his glass, he directed it towards her. "What does she look like?" asked the captain. "She is flush-decked, and I make out ten ports on a side, sir," answered Owen from aloft. Saying this, he quickly came down on deck, from whence the movements of the stranger, which was standing directly across the course the Ouzel Galley was steering, could be discerned as well as from the mast-head.

Quick!" Several of the Jarochos commenced unslinging their carbines, while those who guarded us fell back, to be out of range of the lead. "Come," exclaimed Raoul, "it can't be worse than this we can only die; and I'll let the padre know whom he has got before I take leave of him. I'll give him a souvenir that won't make him sleep any sounder to-night.

'Hareton muttered she might go to hell, for him! and unslinging his gun, restrained himself from his Sunday occupations no longer. He talked now, freely enough; and she presently saw fit to retreat to her solitude: but the frost had set in, and, in spite of her pride, she was forced to condescend to our company, more and more.

I trust no harm has befallen him." "Water, water!" answered Loraine, faintly. "Take water to him; he wants it more than I do." "You want it bad enough, I guess," said the trapper; and, unslinging his flask, he poured some of the refreshing liquid down Loraine's throat. It quickly revived him. "Take him water," he said; "he is out there." And he pointed in the direction where he had left Hector.

Two or three were in advance of the rest, and one especially seemed to be gaining on me. I would not willingly have taken his life, but too probably, should I not stop his progress, he would take mine. Having reached a rock, I sprang behind it; then unslinging my rifle, I stepped out and took steady aim at the advancing foe, who fell back shot through the body.

Zbyszko ordered the driver to go faster, and so they soon came so near each other, that they could be heard, and two riders, who apparently watched over the safety of the sledge, turned to them, and, unslinging their crossbows, cried: "Who is there?" "Germans!" whispered Jurand to Zbyszko. Then he raised his voice and said: "It is my right to ask, and yours to reply!" "Who are you?" "Travelers."

"I can soon tell you," said Dick, unslinging his glasses. On their right was a hill towering above the rest. The slopes were wooded densely, but the crest was quite bare. Upon it sat a solitary figure on horseback, evidently watching the marching column. Dick put his glasses to his eyes. The hill and the lone sentinel enlarged suddenly and came nearer. The pulses in his temples beat hard.