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"Unship your oars till we pass you, and you shall not be hurt," pursued Luerson in the same breath; "pull another stroke at them, and I will serve you like your friend, Frazer, and he lies at the spring with his throat slit!"

He unstepped the mast and sat down again. "You may unship the rudder, Brown-Eyes, You had better leave the boat to Neal and me to bring up to the cave. Pass the gun forward to me and the powder horn." He loaded, ramming the charge down and pressing down the wad. Neal and the girl sat silent. The solemn enchantment of the scene was on them still. Then the two men took the oars again.

"This will be a clearing shower, Tom, depend upon it; and the wind is freshening up again. Now, have you looked out for a hand-spike or crowbar?" "Yes, I know where there are two." "Then come with me: we must unship the ladder, and pull it up on deck, and then put on the grating; after that we must take our chance: we may succeed, and we may not all depends upon their not waking too soon."

From the same repository were extracted three waterproof coats, which, when put on by the canoemen, the tails thrust below deck, and the aprons drawn over them and belted round their waists, protected their persons almost completely from water. "Now, Nigel," said the hermit, "unship the mast, reeve the halyard of this foresail through the top and then re-ship it.

Luckily one of the English had kept his match alight during the scuffle. "Thanks be! Help me to unship the gun the mast's in the way here." The patararo, or brass swivel, was unshipped. "Steady, lads, and keep it level, or you'll shake out the priming. Ship it here; turn out that one, and heave it into that boat, if they come alongside. Steady now so!

They went to work to make an aperture through which a man could pass into this store room. A young man named Howard from Rhode Island was their instigator in all these operations. They discovered that one of the shifting boards abaft the pump room was loose, and that they could ship and unship it as they pleased. When it was unshipped there was just room for a man to crawl into the store room.

Let his privileges come from what cause they would, Bob was glad enough to get out of the presence of Captain Poke who had already pretty plainly threatened, in the Stunin'tun dialect, to unship his cauda into that of the majesty of Leaphigh. A few minutes afterwards, the doors were thrown open, and the whole company advanced into the royal apartments.

The ship's head pitched into the sea, and the water rushed through the hawse-holes, and the chain surged so as almost to unship the barrel of the windlass. "Hove short, sir!" said the mate. "Aye, aye! Weather-bit your chain and loose the topsails! Make sail on her, men with a will!" A few moments served to loose the topsails, which were furled with reefs, to sheet them home, and hoist them up.

Night came, and, for the first time, Hazel claimed two portions of the rum; one for himself and one for Miss Rolleston. He then returned aft, and took the helm. He loosened it, so as to be ready to unship it in a moment, and use it as a weapon. The men huddled together forward; and it was easy to see that the boat was now divided into two hostile camps.

When that order was given, how we sprang to the bars, and heaved round that capstan; every man a Goliath, every tendon a hawser! round and round round, round it spun like a sphere, keeping time with our feet to the time of the fifer, till the cable was straight up and down, and the ship with her nose in the water. "Heave and pall! unship your bars, and make sail!"