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Thus the indolent extravagance of the lord becomes subservient to the interest of a few mercenary graziers shepherds of most unpastoral principles while the veteran husbandman may lean on the shattered, unused plough, and view himself surrounded with flocks that furnish raiment without food.

A "Bishop" means "a person who sees." A "Pastor" means "a person who feeds." The most unbishoply character a man can have is therefore to be Blind. The most unpastoral is, instead of feeding, to want to be fed, to be a Mouth. Take the two reverses together, and you have "blind mouths." We may advisably follow out this idea a little.

Pleased as the young girl was with those evidences of the prosperity and position of her host, she was struck, however, with the fact that the farm-laborers, wine-growers, nurserymen, and all field hands scattered on the vast estate were apparently of the same independent, unpastoral, and unprofessional character as the men of the wheat-field.

Farge's sophisticated and unpastoral pipings, came the voice of the great city herself in answer low, multitudinous, raucous, without emphasis but without briefest relief of interval or of pause. And this laid hold strongly of Iglesias' imagination, reminding him of all the intimate wretchedness of that first stranding of the ship of his fate.

The unpastoral reader may be informed that speed and completeness of denudation are the grand desiderata in shearing; the employer thinks principally of the latter, the shearer principally of the former. To adjust equitably the proportion is one of those incomplete aspirations which torment humanity. Hence the contest old as human society between labour and capital. This is the first day.

But Mysie was now on her guard, and, conscious of the vicinity of the wood-hole, offered such strenuous resistance, that the swain cursed the nymph's bad humour with very unpastoral phrase and emphasis, and ran up stairs to relieve the guard of his comrade.