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HALL CAINE, one of the most popular of contemporary novelists. R.C. CARTON, dramatist, author of "Lord and Lady Algy" and "A White Elephant." CHARLES HADDON CHAMBERS, dramatist, author of "John a Dreams," part author of "The Fatal Card." GILBERT K. CHESTERTON, essayist, novelist, poet; defender of orthodox thought by unorthodox methods.

They scorned to avail themselves of the excuse afforded by their needs. So my labour had been in vain, and I did not know what to do with the spoil. But I left the slain in a little heap out of the way of insects and flies, and when we rose in the morning the unorthodox among Hanchen's inhabitants had apparently solved the problem. "Tuesday market."

Adrian Conrad, Torrance's foreman, Tressa's lover the latter first in sequence of time as in everything else knew these men and hated them with an intensity born of enforced association. Their unorthodox but definitive methods of settling the smallest dispute were familiar to him by experience.

Many orthodox Jews stood aloof from the Zionistic movement because it was not Messianic, while many unorthodox Jews joined it just because of the movement's detachment from Messianic ideas. It may be well to cite Dr. Greenstone's verdict on the whole question, as the reader may care to have the opinion of so competent an authority whose view differs from that of the present writer.

Drumtochty is no a pairish tae trifle wi', an' it disna like new-fangled wys. Power!" and the scorn for this unorthodox division was withering. Rebecca realised the gravity of the situation in the kitchen, and humbled herself greatly. "It wes as a hearer that he askit ma opinion, an' no as an authority.

A marsupiate sea- monster is horribly unorthodox; and the dragon, too, has doubtless been made a monster of, but most unjustly: his legs have been patched on by crocodile-slaying crusaders, while his wings where did they come from?

He was said to have had a terrible though decidedly unorthodox ending falling into a vat of boiling tar, a raving madman. But what were the phantasms of the ape and cat? Were they the earth-bound spirits of the highwayman and his horse, or simply the spirits of two animals? Though either theory is possible, I am inclined to favour the former. Psychic Bears

Dogmas such as that of the Blessed Trinity, of the Procession of the Holy Ghost, of the nature of grace and of sin these, whether as held by orthodox or unorthodox, are at any rate not simple, and it is merely untrue to say that Christ made no statements on these points, however they may be understood.

Nor is the fact of this blank absence of evidence of identity all that can be brought to bear in support of our proposition, for there is another fact that tells very heavily against the identity of the now accepted Gospels with those that were current in earlier days, namely, the noteworthy charge brought against the Christians that they changed and altered their sacred books; the orthodox accused the unorthodox of varying the Scriptures, and the heretics retorted the charge with equal pertinacity.

"You overrate my manly charms," murmured Tommy. "On the other hand," proceeded Tuppence, "my millionaire would probably run for his life! No marriage is fraught with difficulties. Remains to MAKE money!" "We've tried that, and failed," Tommy reminded her. "We've tried all the orthodox ways, yes. But suppose we try the unorthodox. Tommy, let's be adventurers!"