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A slight laugh he gave vent to here startled him a little, it sounded so hard and so unmirthful, and so unlike, as he oddly fancied what he really thought. But what did he think? Nothing mean or revengeful; no, they never would say that. When he had taken out all the surface gold and put the mine in working order, he would send them each a draft for a thousand dollars.

She waited for him to speak waited with a keyed-up intensity of longing that was almost physically painful. At last, unable to bear the continued silence, she spoke again. Her voice cracked a little. "Why why do you ask, Michael?" He looked at her and a sudden cynical amusement gleamed in his eyes an amusement so bitterly unmirthful that there seemed something almost brutal about it.

He laughs a short, unmirthful laugh and taking his hands from her shoulders, moves back from her, yet always with his eyes on her face. "You should be glad," she says, slowly. "No doubt. So he was your confidant your father-confessor, was he? All my misdemeanors were laid bare to him.

"Yes," answered Gilbert, surprised; "that is, I helped to, somewhat. Do you know " The man interrupted with a harsh laugh, such as had startled the minister. It was as unmirthful as a cry of pain. "Yes, I know more than you think. I know you, Gilbert Allen!" His voice was harsh with scorn. "Many, many a time I've heard your name spoken with the highest praise oh, the very highest.

His hollow, hoarse, and unmirthful laughter echoed among the pines. "Great joke! Haig will like that. And the rest of them. Hell!" But Haig! And the Angus! Well, there'd got to be a show-down anyhow pretty soon. He dismounted, and seated himself on a fallen tree trunk, and gave himself up to reflections upon which it is only the most obvious kindness and discretion to draw the curtain.

"What with the wild varmints in the woods and one thing an' another, I'm about cleaned out of all the poultry I ever had. It's downright disheartenin'." "Well, then," asserted Grandpa Davis, with an unmirthful chuckle, "it don't appear to me as we've got so powerful much to be thankful about this year."

I I thought it as well to tell you that beforehand; it might lead to mistakes. I had it copied out for me by by a friend. Mr. Fladgate burst out laughing. 'Pardon me, he said, when he had finished, 'but really I couldn't help it, you do seem to have been so bent on hoodwinking us. 'And yet you have found me out, you see, said Mark, with a very unmirthful smile. Mr.

"I was not at any of the rehearsals; but so far it is surely the best comedy in English, the most brilliant: isn't it?" The big man started back and stared at me; then burst out laughing. "That's good," he cried with a loud unmirthful guffaw. "'Lady Windermere's Fan' better than any comedy of Shakespeare! Ha! ha! ha! 'more brilliant! ho! ho!"

They were discussing him, perhaps laughing at him, or worse, pitying him and his bargain. Yet here was his bargain! A slight laugh he gave vent to here startled him a little, it sounded so hard and so unmirthful, and so unlike, as he oddly fancied, what he really THOUGHT. But WHAT did he think?