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He got up again and spread out the clothes in the dim light: two woolen undershirts, two pairs of unmentionables to match, four large handkerchiefs of red silk, three pairs of blue woolen stockings, and a queer, three-cornered article, white, with strings, which he took to be some kind of pouch, but, by a happy thought, found to make an agreeable protection for the head.

I have seen Hayes argue with a tough horse I have seen a tonga-driver coerce a stubborn pony I have seen a riotous setter broken to gun by a hard keeper but the breaking-in of Pluffles of the "Unmentionables" was beyond all these. He learned to fetch and carry like a dog, and to wait like one, too, for a word from Mrs. Reiver. He learned to keep appointments which Mrs.

The fashionable ladies of that time drove in the afternoon along the boulevards from the Madeleine to the Château d’Eau, and stopped their ponderous yellow barouches at Tortoni’s, where ices were served to them in their carriages, while they chatted with immaculate dandies in skin-tight nankeen unmentionables, blue swallow-tailed coats, and furry ‘beaverhats.

I then rose slipped on my nightgown and," here Nicodemus laughed more loudly than ever, "as I am a gentleman, my spirit lamp naked sword loaded pistols my diamond breast pin, and all my clothes, even unto my unmentionables, had disappeared; but what was the cruelest cut of all, my box of Mareschale powder, my patent puff, and all my pomade divine had also vanished; and true enough, as Lucifer says, it so happened that from the delay in the arrival of the running ships, there was not an ounce of either powder or pomatum to be had in the whole town, so I have been driven in my extremity oh most horrible declension! to keep my tail on hog's lard and Baltimore flour ever since."

As the bullets tore through the old fellow's unmentionables, and raking his hide, made it smart, he would shift his position, and endeavor to shield himself all over; but it was of no use. In spite of all the efforts he could make, the young mountain would remain in view in its exposed situation, to the great annoyance of its owner, and the equally great merriment of the enemy.

"Well, unmentionables, my dear I thought I should have died with laughter." "Sophonisba, my dear, tell us what the paper says about that magnificent shop under the Louvre colonnade; your father is forgetting himself." "Dear mamma," said Sophonisba, "it would take me an hour to read all;" but she read the tit-bits. "My dears," said Mrs.

The nurse was forming a sheep skin into a pair of those unmentionables which were known among the Cape-colonists of that period by the name of "crackers." Mrs Merton was busy with a pair of the same, the knees of which had passed into a state of nonentity, while other parts were approaching the same condition.

I gave him that privilege, but also gave him notice that I owned the goods and carried the money, and as "the walking was not all taken up" he could drive as fast and as far as he pleased, but I was going to stop at every house, even though I might lose a piece of my unmentionables by every dog on the road.

His little man-o'-war top and unmentionables were full of sand but Cissy was a past mistress in the art of smoothing over life's tiny troubles and very quickly not one speck of sand was to be seen on his smart little suit.

Say it's becas I'm an honest woman and don't care to hide the a unmentionables when I wear them as the t'others do," sprinkled with the dandy's famous invocations. He began to conceive romance in that sort of fun. "You're a wopper, my brave Dick! won't let any peeler take me? by Jove!"