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I shudder at the thought." "But you would learn to love me." "But you cannot take Russell's place. None can come between him and my heart." "Electra Grey, you are unwomanly in your unsought love." "Unwomanly! If so, made such by your unmanliness. Unwomanly! Were you more manly, I had never shocked your maudlin sentiments of propriety."

To pretend I loved you would be easier than to bear the pain of giving you such pain. Were I selfish enough, I could take much delight in your love; but I scorn the unmanliness of accepting gold and returning silver: my love is not mine to give." It was some relief to her proud heart to imagine he would have loved her had he been free. But she did not speak.

He flushed and looked on the ground. Then he had to tell her the whole story of the day with all its shame. In the first place, what unmanliness he had shown in not sooner demanding justice, and how he had only gone because he was forced to it, and then how he had been beaten and whipped instead of beating some one himself.

The blessings and joys the Lord bestows upon us are the rewards of willing service, for which things you should be very thankful; but never let them influence you in your conduct toward God. There have been those, who, in the hour of seeming desertion, refusing to use their will-power, have turned back to the world. This is faint-heartedness and cowardice, ignobleness and unmanliness.

But to-day I taunted my soul with its unmanliness till it rose in rebellion against me. 'Poor-spirited creature, I said, 'where is thy valour? When a fool has struck thee I have seen thee pass on without a word, not so much as a momentary knitting of thy fist When ignorance has waxed proud, and put thee to the mock, thou hast sat meek, and uttered never a word.

Wickedness consists in UNMANLINESS, in being unlike a man, in becoming like an evil spirit or a beast. Holiness consists in becoming a TRUE MAN, in becoming more and more like the likeness of Jesus Christ. And when the Bible tells us that we can do nothing of ourselves, but can live only by faith, the Bible puts the highest honour upon us which any created thing can have.

It was then that Con burst forth in that quick flashing English temper that was always aroused at the sight of injustice, of unmanliness, or of underhand dealings.

For a moment only, for is it not the soul, a kind of discontented crying out against pleasure and pain, which comes back distressingly into this after all pathetic music? And Tschaikowsky speaks straight to the nerves, with that touch of unmanliness which is another characteristic of modern art.

If it were not for the name of Shakspeare, Hamlet would be set down as nearly the beau-ideal of a snob a combination of the pedantry of James and the unmanliness of Buckingham. Read the play, with this key to the character, and you will find it quite as true to nature as in the laborious glosses of Schlegel and Göethe.

Their wild glances saw a woman's features in exaltation and in her eyes something as definite as the fire of command. She was shaming them for their unmanliness; shaming their panic the foolish panic at a theatre exit and giving orders as if that were her part and theirs was to obey; a woman to soldiers, the weak sex to the strong.