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Maybe the threat of an atomic war unified their planet and allowed them to divert their war effort to one of social and technical advancement. To such people a searchlight on a cloud or a bright star is an interplanetary spaceship. It is another class of reports that causes the Air Force to remain interested in UFO's. This class of reports are called "Unknowns."

To stand unquestioning before mysteries, to remain an undisturbed part of chaos, ah! what an adjustment! Content and even elate amid the terrible circle of Unknowns, behold in this the heroic stupidity of the sane ... a stupidity which has already outlived the Gods. "Man, alas, is the only animal who hasn't known enough to die.

Clever sketches by clever unknowns, rest beside sprawling frescos by youths whose ambition is vaster than their genius; and finished and accomplished works of art are set off by the foils of unnumbered pieces of unformed and not very promising mediocrity.

It is wonderful, it is unique, it stands quite alone, there is nothing resembling it in history, nothing resembling it in romance, nothing approaching it even in tradition. How sublime is their position, and how over-topping, how sky-reaching, how supreme the two Great Unknowns, the two Illustrious Conjecturabilities!

A UFO "paced" an Air Force B-25 for thirty minutes in California. Both of these happened on June 18, and although we checked and rechecked them, they came out as unknowns. On June 19 radar at Goose AFB in Newfoundland picked up some odd targets. The targets came across the scope, suddenly enlarged, and then became smaller again.

Known 0.98 Probable 7.74 Possible 3.04 11.76 Astronomical Bodies........14.20% Known 2.79 Probable 4.01 Possible 7.40 14.20 Other ........................4.21% Searchlights on clouds, birds, blowing paper, inversions, reflections, etc. Hoaxes........................1.66% Insufficient data..........22.72% Unknowns.....................26.94%

He had not seen the six unknowns go down, for, the evening being chilly, he had paced up and down, and they had by a lucky accident chosen a moment when his back was turned. "Come up immediately," he repeated. Here a blast of tobacco-smoke rushed at him from the darkness.

Rank bad policy, I call it. Anybody else? Baker resumed his reading. A string of unknowns ended in another celebrity. 'Blackwell? said Norris. 'Not O. T. Blackwell? 'It says A. T. But, went on Baker, brightening up again, 'they always get the initials wrong in the papers. Certain to be O. T. By the way, I suppose you saw that he made eighty-three against Notts the other day?

Scientists and engineers made 5.7 per cent, airport control tower operators made an even 1.0 per cent of the reports, and 12.5 per cent of the total were radar reports. The remaining 63.7 per cent were made by military and civilian observers in general. The reports that we were interested in were the 26.94 per cent or 429 "Unknowns," so we had studied them in great detail.

As you know, I had to go to the Virgin Islands, but I left one of my best men in charge, and he did his job thoroughly. I'm satisfied about that. No unknown person has been near the project office. And no unknowns have been in close contact with any of the team. Yet, two of them are in the hospital." "Sick or wounded?" Scotty asked. "Neither, really. We don't know what's wrong.