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The galleries roared; the somnolent Senator shambled over to his own side of the aisle and Senator Penrose was given credit, by the unwise, for humor quite unintended. Life with Mr. Penrose is a much more serious business than most people imagine.

This is an illustration of how frequently phrases are used to express briefly ideas which could not be expressed fully without careful qualifications and explanations that would necessitate many words; and it shows how carefully one must be on his guard, lest he put technical phrases to unintended uses, and attach incorrect meanings to them.

Suddenly a brighter light broke in her face and an excited idea sprang to her lips in the appeal: "You HAVE forgiven him?" "How, if I hadn't, could I linger here?" She visibly winced at the deep but unintended irony of this; but even while she did so she panted quickly: "Then in the lights on your altar ?" "There's never a light for Acton Hague!"

The two remaining seventy-fours placed themselves successively close astern of the first, which was in accord with the original purpose, while the other three-decker took the right flank of the line, and somewhat too far out; in which exposed and unintended position, beyond the extreme north point contemplated for the British order, she underwent a very heavy loss.

Early developments were faithfully promised by the newspaper. Charles understood very well what was meant by that. It was hoped he would provide the development by falling into the hands of the police. He smiled a little at that, but the unintended warning increased his vigilance. On the whole he felt tolerably safe in the crowded London streets.

Grantly, and a slight, unintended semi-tone of triumph mingled itself with the meekness of that whisper. "And is likely to remain so, from all I hear," said Mrs. Proudie, and the scratched hand was at once drawn back. "Of course the estab ," and then Mrs. Proudie, who was blandly continuing her list of congratulations, whispered her sentence close into the car of Mrs.

Another series of researches was concerned with the inner attitude which causes a certain external movement effect and which may lead to an unintended amount of movement as soon as the weight to be lifted is erroneously judged upon. Closely related studies, finally, deal with a mistake which enters when the movement is reproduced from memory after a certain time.

Heathcote, who was sent West as our enemy, and quickly turned to a friend. There is Mr. Tremaine, who is such a gay old beau, and who never realizes that he is too old for the young women with whom he wishes to flirt." The lady stopped again, and her smile was deeper than ever. "Now that was unintended," she mused, "but it comes in very happily." She resumed: "And there is Mr.

It might seem something of an unintended impertinence to add that such recognition of his theory no more implies a blind acceptance of it whatever such acceptance on my part might be worth than the expression of such gratitude and respect could reasonably be supposed to imply an equally blind confidence in the authority or the value of that version of Shakespeare's text which has been the means of exposing a name so long and so justly honoured, not merely to the natural and rational inquisition of rival students, but to the rancorous and ribald obloquy of thankless and frontless pretenders.

But it is high time, Sir, to make an end of their preaching, lest you be as much tired with the repetition of it, as the people were little benefited when they heard it. I shall only mind you, Sir, of one thing more; and that is the ridiculous, senseless, and unintended use which many of them make of Concordances.