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You die uninsured, and they enter a life of suffering from the keen pangs of poverty. You insure in our company, and they begin life with enough to feed and clothe them, and to raise them above the reach of want." Butterwick. "I don't want to raise them above the reach of want. I want them to want. Best thing they can do is to tucker down to work as I did" Gunn. "Oh, Mr.

The impressions upon the stomach, for example, resulting in a better or worse digestion, must be made through the nerves. This supreme control of the nervous system is forcibly illustrated in the change made by joyful or sad tidings. The overdue ship is believed to have gone down with her valuable, uninsured cargo. Her owner paces the wharf, sallow and wan, appetite and digestion gone.

Again Captain Cable spoke first. "Provided it's nothing underhand," he said, "I'm ready and willing. Or'nary risks of the sea, Queen's enemies, act o' God them's my risks! I am uninsured. Ship's my own. I don't mind explosives " "There are explosives," admitted the banker. "Then they must be honest explosives, or they don't go below my hatches.

If large classes of the population live under conditions which make it difficult if not impossible for them to keep a home together in decent comfort, if the children are habitually underfed, if the housewife is habitually over-strained, if the bread-winner is under-employed or under-paid, if all are unprotected and uninsured against the common hazards of modern industrial life, if sickness, accident, infirmity, or old age, or unchecked intemperance, or any other curse or affliction, break up the home, as they break up thousands of homes, and scatter the family, as they scatter thousands of families in our land, it is not merely the waste of earning-power or the dispersal of a few poor sticks of furniture, it is the stamina, the virtue, safety, and honour of the British race that are being squandered.

Uninsured again as in that other time, so long ago, when he would wander dumb and jealous in the wilderness of London, longing for that woman his first wife the mother of this infernal boy. Ah! There was the car at last! It drew up, it had luggage, but no Fleur. "Miss Fleur is walking up, sir, by the towing-path." Walking all those miles? Soames stared.

Perhaps you will be good enough to let me spend a couple of days at the rectory. It will be a mournful pleasure to me to meet one who was kind to my dear lad. "I will write to you again from San Francisco. "Very gratefully yours, "George Carteret." If the hotel, uninsured, had suddenly burst into flames, the 'Bishop' would have manifested far less consternation.

These heavy articles strike on a copper soda-fountain, which explodes with a fearful noise, and mortally wounds a colored man uninsured against accident. The leading hoseman in his hurry rams his bouquet into the fire-box, tries to screw his silver trumpet on the end of the hose, and stands on his stiff glazed hat to find out what kind of strategy is needed.

Even the loss of her uninsured million did not ruffle her, for she had another in Government and railroad bonds, and full confidence in her brother, who was an admirable business man, and not in the least dissipated. "Come, come," she said. "It's much too hot to fight. Dwight is not good enough for Alex from a worldly point of view, I mean," as Alexina made a movement in her direction.

His young brother was safe on the cliff; so his fine efforts were not inspired by any grander emotion than that felt by the shopkeeper who fights fire in the protection of his uninsured stock-in-trade. There were men below whom he needed, but none whom he loved even with the ordinary affection of man for humanity.

The dog came slowly with a grudging tail, and Soames mechanically laid a pat on his head. The dog, the bird, the lilac, all were part of Fleur for him; no more, no less. 'Too fond of her! he thought, 'too fond! He was like a man uninsured, with his ships at sea.