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Beatrice was always frank and generous in her behaviour to Isabella, and the marchioness remained sincerely attached to her, and in her letters to her beloved sister-in-law, the Duchess of Urbino, constantly assures her that she holds the next place in her heart to that occupied by her only sister, "la sorella mia unica, la Duchessa di Bari."

His maiden work, De Unica P. Rami Methodo, which he published under the pseudonym, Mildapettus 1580, was aimed at Digby's De Duplici Methodo. Bacon was undoubtedly acquainted with both these writers and took ideas from both. Digby represented the scholastic tendency, which Bacon vehemently opposed, yet without being able completely to break away from it.

After her son's departure, the unhappy mother, who signed herself "Ysabella de Aragonia Sforcia unica in disgrazia" in letters of this period, finally left Milan. Early in 1500 she paid a visit to Isabella d'Este at Mantua, and then travelled by sea from Genoa to Naples, and spent the rest of her life in her principality of Bari.

To-morrow she will take again, until death, the course of her strangely simple existence; impersonal, devoted to a series of daily duties which never change, absorbed in a reunion of creatures almost neutral, who have abdicated everything, she will be able to walk with eyes lifted ever toward the soft, celestial mirage O crux, ave, spes unica !

Here we reposed an instant, and were enlivened with a few sunbeams, piercing the thickets and gilding the waters that bubbled from the rock, over which hung another cross, inscribed with this short sentence, which the situation rendered wonderfully pathetic, O SPES UNICA! the fervent exclamation of some wretch disgusted with the world, whose only consolation was found in this retirement.

D. Pedro creía que mi tío aprobaba nuestro proyectado enlace, éste me instaba a que me casase con la hija única del conde de la Langosta.... Familia muy noble en tierra de Campos. DOÑA MATILDE. ¿Y bien? DON EDUARDO. ¡Y que mi tío me ha desheredado en seguida, porque no he querido darle gusto! DOÑA MATILDE. ¿Le ha desheredado a usted?

DOÑA MATILDE. No, papá duerme todavía y estará sin duda bien lejos de soñar o de pensar que el terrible momento se aproxima en que va a decidirse para siempre el porvenir de su hija única y querida ... ¡para siempre! Ay, Bruno, si pudieras comprender toda la fuerza y la extensión de esta palabra ¡para siempre!

Ave Crux Spes Unica. I thought it a good opportunity for recollection, and sitting down, I looked backward along the road I had come. There were the high mountains of the Vosges standing up above the plain of Alsace like sloping cliffs above a sea. I drew them as they stood, and wondered if that frontier were really permanent.

And, at the corners of roads, the old crosses appear, ever with their similar inscriptions: "O crux, ave, spes unica!" Amezqueta, at the last twilight. They stop their carriage at an outskirt of the village, before the cider mill. Arrochkoa is impatient to go into the house of the sisters, vexed at arriving so late; he fears that the door may not be opened to them. Ramuntcho, silent, lets him act.

And, in the midst of this immense peace and of this green night, they pass, Ramuntcho and Arrochkoa, like two young disturbers going to break charms in the depths of forests. At all cross roads old, granite crosses rise, like alarm signals to warn them; old crosses with this inscription, sublimely simple, which is here something like the device of an entire race: "O crux, ave, spes unica!"